Bands that fell from grace

Damn, the standards of the selection committee aren't what they used to be.:eek:
Grace is certainly no Fugitive.

(Then again, what is? :p)
Do consider that this thread got a third-class medal, while the Fugitive thread was first-class.
Any hair metal act from the 80's doing "nostalgia" tours like Warrant. I'd add In Flames, though Noises from the Playground was decent. The Rolling Stones are a living dead joke. Sting, Genesis, Madonna, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. Those last three may be held in low regard in this forum to begin with, but considering their genre Spears went from jail-bait, to "sexy" woman to crazy bitch, pop out two kids and still put out dribble for 40 year old pervs and 15 year old girls. She has not matured in her image or sound. Pink on the other hand has put out some of her most mature and powerful material after marriage and becoming a mother. She, unlike Spears, has grown and her sound reflects it.
Any hair metal act from the 80's doing "nostalgia" tours like Warrant. I'd add In Flames, though Noises from the Playground was decent. The Rolling Stones are a living dead joke. Sting, Genesis, Madonna, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. Those last three may be held in low regard in this forum to begin with, but considering their genre Spears went from jail-bait, to "sexy" woman to crazy bitch, pop out two kids and still put out dribble for 40 year old pervs and 15 year old girls. She has not matured in her image or sound. Pink on the other hand has put out some of her most mature and powerful material after marriage and becoming a mother. She, unlike Spears, has grown and her sound reflects it.

I agree with all of this. At least Christina Aguilera has a tv show that she can hide behind to obscure the fact that she is a joke as a singer anymore.

Whitesnake must stop playing! Coverdale sounds awful. To describe how awful he sounds, I'll just say that Tate @ his last QR show sounded 10x better than Coverdale now. It's less noticeable when you actually see them live, 'cause then his voice is drowned out by backing vocals and the audience, but here it's cringe inducing. Holy crap.
Don't bands have to start off good to fall from grace? :D
So was Madonna :p

Seriously though, Coverdale was a good singer and made some killer records..just not with Whitesnake :p