Band Members Favorite Maiden Albums?

I think everyone in the band thinks TNOTB is great/best.

Bruce favorites are POM and BNW (and he likes Killers, too). Adrian likes SIT. Nicko probably, Powerslave and AMOLAD and every new album, haha...
Steve and Dave, I think they like SSOASS very much, and for Janick, I don't know.
Bruce writes in his book that although he thought the concept of SSOASS wasn't as good as it could have been that he doesn't really give a fuck as the material on the album is some of Maiden's strongest
I remember reading somewhere that Steve's favorite was The X Factor.

Nicko's favorite is whatever is the most recent album.
Have you guys noticed how intense Bruce's chats and performances of The Clansman have been recently and back in the day.

He also chose the song for The Legacy of the Beast setlist - a very special set.

And now when you think about... It was Virtual XI that convinced him to return.

Virtual XI must be Bruce's favourite album!

In issue 93 of the Fan Club Magazine Dave says Seventh Son is his favourite.
In issue 94 Janick says he doesn't have a favourite.
Isn't Bruce's favourite album TNOTB? I think he has picked that one in several interviews as his favourite. At least as the most important one, but then again that might not be the same thing.
I think all of the guys who played on Piece of mind have it as their favorite, at least Steve, Bruce and Nicko really loves it. H loves Somewhere in time and Seventh son, I think he said so during a interview.

All of them were really proud of A matter of life and death and The book of souls as well.
I think the whole band (except Jan who wasn't in at that point) is really proud of SSOASS. They also share that thoughts on BNW, AMLOAD and TBOS.
I think AMoLaD is Nicko's favourite. SiT is definitely near the bottom of Bruce's list. He has no song credits, and wanted Maiden to go in a different direction at that point.
In my opinion SIT is kind of a bad and kind of a good album at the same time. Stranger in a Strange Land is an awesome song, and Caught Soemwhere in Time is also very good. Alexander the Great can either be an awesome banger or a dragging mess of uninspired lyrics. Deja Vu is understandably hated because of the lyrics, but if you listen objetivley to the guitar work, its quite good. Wasted Years is ok, not good but not bad. Heaven Can Wait is preatty good, I guess. However Sea of Madness is both good and bad, and Lonliness of the Long Distance Runner is terrible
I read some years ago that H thought Somewhere in Time is his favourite album. He did add though, that he thinks it's the only record of theirs that sounds dated.
Who doesn't love Phantom of the Opera. Its one of Iron Maiden's first great hits.
I think AMoLaD is Nicko's favourite. SiT is definitely near the bottom of Bruce's list. He has no song credits, and wanted Maiden to go in a different direction at that point.
I love, or at least like every single song on AMOLAD, with two exceptions. I do not like Different World of the Legacy. However Lord of Light, Benjamin Breeg, Out of the Shadows, and Brighter Than A 1000 Suns are all bangers and heavy ballads worthy of praise
In my opinion SIT is kind of a bad and kind of a good album at the same time. Stranger in a Strange Land is an awesome song, and Caught Soemwhere in Time is also very good. Alexander the Great can either be an awesome banger or a dragging mess of uninspired lyrics. Deja Vu is understandably hated because of the lyrics, but if you listen objetivley to the guitar work, its quite good. Wasted Years is ok, not good but not bad. Heaven Can Wait is preatty good, I guess. However Sea of Madness is both good and bad, and Lonliness of the Long Distance Runner is terrible
This is some very good Blasphemy thread stuff...
Who doesn't love Phantom of the Opera. Its one of Iron Maiden's first great hits.
I don’t. The verse is a train wreck, the Queen-style vocals in the middle don’t work, and the proto-Maiden interlude is good, but not great.

The song isn’t terrible or anything, but I never get the itch to listen to it, and there are multiple songs on the debut that I like better.