Arjen Anthony Lucassen (Ayreon, Star One etc.)

Pre-order is not ready yet, but I might actually order something. I want an Ayreon T-shirt, so hopefully there will be editions with that.

Otherwise, Yo Ho Ho Ho
Get Out! Now! is fucking awesome. It's the song with Dee Snider and a Satriani solo.

Hopelessly Slipping Away is a transitional song, it seems. Simone Simons on vocals @Black Wizard
That chorus of Get Out! Now! is very catchy. Dee is in good shape. Like both songs. Really looking forward to this.
Alright, where do I start with this band? I happened to come across The Day That The World Breaks Down on YouTube yesterday, and it was okay. However, I'm curious, and I want to add an album or two to my listening queue. Maybe Transitus?
Alright, where do I start with this band? I happened to come across The Day That The World Breaks Down on YouTube yesterday, and it was okay. However, I'm curious, and I want to add an album or two to my listening queue. Maybe Transitus?
I´d suggest Into The Electric Castle and The Source.
Definitely try The Source (where TDTTWBD is from), which is IMHO the best album of them all. Then I'd go with both parts of Universal Migrator, then I'd try The Theory of Everything and then (if you still want more) I'd go for Human Equation.

Never been all that interested in the storyline myself, though...
Alright, where do I start with this band? I happened to come across The Day That The World Breaks Down on YouTube yesterday, and it was okay. However, I'm curious, and I want to add an album or two to my listening queue. Maybe Transitus?
Start with Into The Electric Castle (probably their most well-known and reverred album), then Universal Migrator, Parts 1 (best album ever) and 2 (kinda overrated because of the Bruce song which is almost the weakest song on the album), then The Human Equation (second best album ever), then 01011001 (has some bad songs, but overall still a pretty good album), then Transitus (maybe overdoes the narration, but so far it's been a grower of an album for me).

After a while, you can maybe check out The Source (wildly uneven album with too many guests and power metal), The Theory Of Everything (no standout songs since there is 44 of them and they are all short) and first 2 albums (Arjen was still figuring things out on them).