Adrian Smith

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Oh man! Just watched the Fighting Man video: it had some really interesting SiT-era photos of Adrian. Did you all see him with his Roland G-707 synth controller guitar (the one with the big stabilizer bar running from the top to the bottom of the neck) that he used in the studio for SiT, for those awesome big 80's synth sounds!? I can't believe I just used the word "awesome"...
Good posts, everyone! I'll touch on Rush (briefly, Ariana)- I got into them in the 1970s (thanks to my older brothers) and where I think Lifeson and Adrian connect is in note choice, phrasing, and (up until Permanent Waves or Moving Pictures) tone. Around the time of "Red Barchetta," ironically, he started playing with a thin, etheral, wispy style- not my cup of tea. I much prefer his meaty, blues-based solos from the 70s. Like Adrian, Lifeson never really struck me as a "flash" player- someone who can only play fast and uses a blizzard of notes to cover up a lack of true talent. He can play some brilliant, moody, emotional solos that don't require 32nd notes. For my money, his best solos are on the song "2112." I LOVE "Limelight," but not so much the solo. Adrian's extended solo on this cover matches Lifeson's note choices, but also brings in an edgier, warmer tone. Me likey!! But, as others have noted, this is just a teaser- we want more H!! So, to jump start the topic, how about a list of 5 songs you'd like to hear Adrian cover (playing and/or singing)? My 5:

1. Still Got the Blues- Gary Moore (both playing and singing, please)
2. Dreamer/Dreamer Deceiver- Judas Priest
3. Flies and Blue Skies- King's X
4. Caught In The Middle- Dio
5. Imminence Front- The Who (extend the solo, though, like on "Red Barchetta")

Adrian's biggest solo in this cover was a different solo of his own. He also played the original one, but the orchestra was so heavy on top of it, that I found this contribution less impressive.

I'll think of that top 5 Chris! Dreamer Deceiver surely would fit well to his style! Not sure but I guess I'll probably will focus mainly on lead guitar when I think of something that I'd wish him play.

That thin sound of Alex's solo around that time has probably more to do with equipment. Hearing him playing this Limelight solo in more recent times, it sounds way fatter. And check the solos in Passage to Bangkok, The Trees or La Villa Strangiato.
And here Limelight, filmed by my wife, 5 years ago (check how Peart plays that ride cymbal!! ):
So I think Alex always had that style, but it's the equipment-mix-production that might have made a different sound.
Adrian's biggest solo in this cover was a different solo of his own. He also played the original one, but the orchestra was so heavy on top of it, that I found this contribution less impressive.
I actually noticed that too. The orchestra was abit heavy and it was hard to hear some of his parts. I was still able to hear enough to judge he did a great job though but I get what you're saying.

So, to jump start the topic, how about a list of 5 songs you'd like to hear Adrian cover (playing and/or singing)?
As for 5 songs that I'd like to hear Adrian cover, that might require a bit of thinking. I'll get back on that one.
I think you're wrong. Adrian is a much better singer than most people think. And this is me speaking objectively here.
Check out his singing here, in case you haven't already:

I know Adrian is a great singer. But on a ballad like Still Got the Blues, I don't think it'd be great. He'd do it justice, but it wouldn't be great. More about the song than Adrian's vocal quality, really.

Adrian is my favorite musician in the world but I also try to look objectively. :D
I need some help. Can somebody tell me who this man is?

I think he's on the back of the ASAP record sleeve (at the far right), but I have no clue which one of the names he is or what instrument he plays.
Hmm, doesn't really look like one of them. I'll have to go and look at some ASAP pics to compare.
I think this is the guy you're talking about but I don't think he's the same.


Besides, looking at Adrian's hair, which you can use to date pictures pretty effectively, the picture is definitely not from the ASAP period.