Adrian Smith Statements

The walls of Adrian Smith entomb us, the swords of Adrian Smith divide.
Take not thy Adrian Smith from us, but take away our Dennis Stratton.
The lines
An easy way for Adrian Smith to go,
A clever path for Adrian Smith to know
the Secret of the Hanged Eddie :innocent: - the smile on his lips
: basically is Adrian Smith trying to explain us what Revelations is all about.
You're right.  :blush:

By the way,

I learned in the newspaper Adrian Smith once sneezed and the Danube was created.
Adrian Smith can work around Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.
Adrian Smith doesn't go fishing. The fish swim to Adrian Smith.
Adrian Smith never looks into a mirror. That's because the mirror can't handle Adrian Smith.
Black cats never cross the road if Adrian Smith passed there. (Or do I have to start the sentence with "Adrian Smith.."?)
Adrian Smith doesn't need a camera. Everytime he blinks with his eye a picture gets taken.
Adrian Smith has no interest in inferior Chuck Norris Jokes.