A Matter of Life and Death: individual album judgement by yours truly

EDIT: I did some readjustments as I decided to rank the songs against the entire catalogue with a pretty much equal distribution of ratings and here’s my final verdict:

Different World -4
These Colours Don't Run -7
Brighter Than a Thousand Suns -
The Pilgrim -6
The Longest Day -6
Out of the Shadows -5
The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg -6
For the Greater Good of God -9
Lord of Light -10
The Legacy -

Average: 7.30

This is an upper tier album at no4 best in Maiden's catalogue for me, based on individual song polls rankings. Since songs have been ranked against the entire catalogue, anything ≥ 4 is good.

I explain the methodology for my ratings here.

Note: I love the fact that AMOLAD will be the one album by which all the rest will be measured! Maybe not Maidenfans' absolute best (we’ll see that) but definitely the best for the job.
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Different World - 6
These Colours Don't Run -8
Brighter Than a Thousand Suns -9
The Pilgrim -8
The Longest Day -8
Out of the Shadows -6
The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg- 10
For the Greater Good of God -9
Lord of Light -10
The Legacy -9

Average: 8.3
Different World - 7
These Colours Don't Run -8
Brighter Than a Thousand Suns -9
The Pilgrim -7
The Longest Day -10
Out of the Shadows -7
The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg- 9
For the Greater Good of God -9
Lord of Light -8
The Legacy -8

Different World: 9
These Colours Don't Run: 9.5
Brighter Than A Thousand Suns: 10
The Pilgrim: 9
The Longest Day: 10
Out Of The Shadows: 8,5
The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg: 10
For the Greater Good of God: 10
Lord of Light: 8,5
The Legacy: 9.

9.35. One of Maiden's three best records as far as I'm concerned.
The region where I come from is Naxalism infested so whenever I look upon the cover art, I feel like it is in some way trying to convey the same issue. Though there aren't tanks hurling around but as they say, Art is in the eye of the beholder, and everyone will have their own interpretation.


Religion and war have played a major role in human history and continue doing so even in the present times. The band has beautifully themed the songs around these two topics, though there's much more to the lyrics. For a long time, I felt Dance Of Death to be my favourite reunion album then again for sometime it was Brave New World for me but finally after pondering some time and giving the album a proper listen, I reached the conclusion that A Matter Of Life And Death totally does it for me, considering the fact that I once felt it to be the weakest link among the post-2000s albums.

The album opener Different World keeps it more straightforward and is one of my favourite 'short-rocker' type song from Maiden's 21st century catalogue. The Longest Day is a complete goosebumps-fest, easily in my top 5 Maiden songs. The entire built-up, the part when the entire band kicks in, the chorus and the brief instrumental right before a majestic solo, just awesome! The Pilgrim and The Legacy are among their most unique songs, especially the former which has some great 'oriental-sounding' melodies something they last captured only in Powerslave's title-track. Similarly, The Legacy has some of the band's proggiest moments, a perfect album closer. Brighter Than A Thousand Suns has got to be one of Maiden's heaviest songs, the main riff/harmony structure is excellent and there is even a brief galloping part in the mid-section which is mostly absent in the rest of the album, Dave just being a big bro and giving Adrian and Janick their chance to shine with soaring solos. Give me one good reason why it wasn't featured as a soundtrack in the film Oppenheimer! The intro to The Reincarnation Of Benjamin Breeg could have been a bit shorter but when the rhythm part kicks in, it drives the song further very well. These Colours Don't Run has an interesting start with an awesome main riff, started as a hilarious chant during live performances before the album came out, it turned out to be a great song, something the band must bring back to play live. For The Greater Good Of God is much better than I remember, a very cool intro, great riffing, a unique solo and the middle section again shows hints of prog and is a total jam. While Wasting Love is Maiden's certified 'power ballad', I find Out Of The Shadows to be much better. The moodiest track on the album, has a great atmosphere and the introspective lyrics are just awesome! The second to last song Lord Of Light, though has a lengthy intro but it works out very well in creating the atmosphere, again the main riff is one of the band's heaviest. It is possibly their most underrated song of all time.

Concluding it, I will say that the songs in the album feel as one in a flow, something which makes it more coherent than the previous two albums. I my personal opinion, A Matter Of Life And Death is 'The X Factor but done correctly'.

(for my other album reviews - click here)
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  1. Different World: 4.5 - we left IM in 2003 with a teenage chorus; we reunite with them in 2006 with another teenage chorus; the song is representative of the album in that it uses the same riff as half of the rest of it
  2. These Colours Don't Run: 7 - love the riff and the hymn-sounding chorus; the "oh oh oh" were not necessary tho
  3. Brighter Than a Thousand Suns: 6/7 - great ideas, but recycled
  4. The Pilgrim: 6 - the structure feels shoddily glued together sometimes and the oriental riff is definitely out of place; good solo tho
  5. The Longest Day: 6/7 - again, great ideas, love the lyrics and the instrumental, but it's too repetitive
  6. Out of the Shadows: 7+ - not bad, a cool dark ballad, sometimes it feels more leaning to solo Bruce (Omega, Arc of Space...)
  7. The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg: 5/6 - the intro is great, the solo is great, the riff is good, the whole narrative they built around it was interesting... but it should've lasted a couple of minutes less, and the recycling of Different World's riff was avoidable
  8. For the Greater Good of God (16x): 4/5 - definitely the WORST track out of the album and a horrible Harris-solo track, and it's a shame because the lyrics are great; the intro is decent, the bridge is great and the instrumental break good, but the verse rhythm is too repeated to be of any interest; the chorus is demential: the guitar part is not even that bad but how the hell do you think it's a good idea to repeat it SIXTEEN TIMES
  9. Lord of Light: 7 - the arpeggio is recycled from Out of the Shadows which kinda recycled it from Children of the Damned, the aggressive riff is good; great chorus and intrumental
  10. The Legacy: 8/9 - Janick saves the day with Maiden's most theatrical piece
Overall: 6 /10 - they kinda reworked The X Factor which is good, the problem is that they reworked The X Factor's worst elements and that's not good
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