
Yes, I don't know how to say that exactly, but Adrian seems a bit out of the trends sometimes. He wrote a lot of stuff on TFF but didn't like the way it was used. He decided to try shorter songs on the last one, but Bruce's and Steve's long songs got all the attention. And I think that, most of all, he seems very unsatisfied (and rightly so) with Shirley's approach of his playing.
I was thinking the same. His presence is definitely not as strong on TBOS. On the other hand, he seems really energetic on stage this tour, even running around a bit more. He might be a bit more relaxed than he was in the 80s, maybe less concerned with doing things outside of Maiden. He definitely has more time to do solo work than he would've in the 80s.
Really? I'd say Adrian is the most likely to jump ship just out of lack of enthusiasm for new material again. He seemed disappointed with how his material on TFF turned out, which seemed a bit alarming to me.

Agree with this. Out of the three, Adrian is probably the one most likely to make a gut decision because it just doesn't feel right with him where he is right now...he needs to be doing something else etc.

Dave and Janick doesn't have that outwards look, they both seem pretty dug in.
Have to say I haven't personally recognized any particular change to Dave on this tour..but maybe I need to look at videos again. If he isn't as fit and energetic as the rest of the band...well...he's human too :D
They all still perform as best they can, Adrian has never been a wildly energetic guy on stage.

As far as material goes, Adrian is the consummate dissatisfied artist: he's almost never completely happy with what he creates. There's always something that could have been better. It's why he has continued to grow as a player and songwriter while the other guys stay relatively the same. They're happy with their contributions. Bruce continues to grow in every aspect of songwriting, but that's mostly because he wants to say he conquered everything in the world, not because he's dissatisfied with his performance.

Adrian's annoyance with Shirley's production is legitimate, though I doubt it would push him to leave the group. I don't see anything in the performance or writing that would make me think Adrian is any less happy now than he ever was.
I actually thought Steve looked a little frail, and Dave. I was worried about H originally, but after the second song he was really into both shows. In general, I think the band is ready to roll.

But yeah, Steve and Bruce are the only musts these days.
Steve is showing his age yea, but he still rocks that bass like he's 20.
Steve looks old, but god, that guy is so wiry and fit. Seeing him at close range on the BL tour last year, I swear he's 99% sinew and muscle (plus 1% hair). He's insanely fit. Despite his recent illness, Bruce is too, and Janick is ridiculously bendy for his age. I thought Adrian looked fitter too.
Well, the only changes to potentially work out are changes in the guitar department... Technically they could function with just two of them. However, that would complicate the songs with space for 3 solos. No Bruce or Steve or Nicko = no Maiden. I would never accept anyone new in the band at this point. No offence, but IMO the least essential member currently is Dave. Losing Janick or Adrian is losing too much creative input. That being said, I'm 99% sure we won't see any line-up changes until the end of Maiden and that's wonderful.
I don't think they'd have that much trouble playing reunion era music with 3 guitarists. Honestly they never really utilized that in the studio as much as they could've. There are some moments here and there, but overall I don't think there'd be many problems.
At this point, any lineup change results in the band ending, I think.

But in the grand scheme of things, Steve and Bruce are the only unexpendable members of the band. Steve is the leader of the band and Bruce is the face of the band. I think they can carry on without one of (maybe even two) Nicko, Adrian, Dave or Janick if they so wish. But like I said, I think any member change results in the band ending. They've had this lineup for 17 years and are nearing the end of their careers anyway.

Adrian is certainly the most likely member to leave the band for artistic purposes. But if I were to take a guess who would force the band into retirement (or a lineup change), it would be Nicko. The guy turns 64 this year and is playing the most physically demanding instrument.
It's a good question, but I think at this stage, it's almost a given that if someone leaves/retires, the band is done (Steve has recently said as much). After years of lineup turmoil, the band has been uncannily stable for 17ish years now. I think they all realize the incredibly unique situation that they are in (being just as popular as they were in the 80s), and they have the incredibly rare opportunity to control how the story ends. Most rock bands end in tragedy or acrimony and Maiden can be one of the few that (to use a football metaphor) "end their career with a World Cup trophy".
Least essential member Dave? I feel there's some underestimation, underrating or underappreciation (choose favourite option) lurking about here. I guess it's easy to focus on a guitarist since there are three, but Dave plays better than Nicko. He contributes at least as much (imo more!) to Maiden's sound and songs as Nicko does these days. He wrote a beautiful, and original song on the latest record. And contributed with stellar solo's. This originality is not easy to create. Where most other songs lack in this department, Dave pulled it off. With The Man of Sorrows he lifted the album to a higher, but also deeper level. Some solo's on the latest album are among the most haunting he's ever done. So much feel and clarity in his playing in the studio, and being the best live performer of the band, these are feats that I wouldn't like to miss (although the H/Jan combination is untried and interesting).
I don't think anyone said Dave was least essential. I just didn't think he was in the best of health.
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I think you missed Srogy's post.
EDIT: and talking about who we think is essential, how would a band differ if this person is out, possibly leading to "who should go or not" is a different question than "who, we think, will be the first to go". Both interesting nonetheless.
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I agree with most everything here

Bruce or Steve leaving ends the band
Nicko, as much as I would hate to see him go, the band could go on. This seems most likely.
1 of the 3 guitar players .. maybe .. more than 1 and I think they are done. As for adding a new 3rd or going back to 2 .. I guess it depends who the potential 3rd player would be.
As for adding a new 3rd or going back to 2 .. I guess it depends who the potential 3rd player would be.
