
Right now, replacing any member permanently woudn't be right I think. They should just retire instead then. Judas priest did fairly well replacing Downing, but I hope they just retire if this became an situation. But if lets say one of the guitarist became ill or had some personal problems right before a tour, they could have replaced him just for that tour.

Or if the band suddenly faced internal struggles/fighting, and they have to fire that member, then they must replace him, but I'll never think that will be an issue in the Maiden camp...
This is a difficult question seeing as their are only two members of iron maiden left in the band today that have played on all albums.

Having said that Adrian, Bruce and Nicko have been around for a long time. Nicko over 33 years. Even janick who is still considered the new boy in the band has been around for over 26 years.

Despite the fact that iron maiden has had a lot of line up changes in their career take the debut album as year zero then all the current members have given a lot of service and played on a lot of great albums so I consider them all essential in their own way.

The only line up change I could ever see working would be if any one of the guitarist left and they went down to a five piece. It would still be iron maiden to me. If more than one guitarist left or if any other member left then it stops being maiden to me.

I know the band has recorded 4 albums without Bruce but he's been back in the band so long now that the blaze era almost feels like an odd experiment. I like blaze and I love the X factor but when blaze joined I always felt like he was keeping the throne warm for when Bruce returned. I know the band tried to make it seem like it was the start of a new era for them but to me it always felt like a temporary thing and Bruce would always come back. Same with priest and ripper.

So in conclusion if Nicko left, band should retire. If Bruce left, that's it, band over. If 2 or more of the guitarist leave, band over. Obviously if Steve decides he's had enough then band definitely over. The reason I say one guitarist could leave is that they wouldn't need to hire anyone else. If two go then they would need a new guitarist. Basically I don't want to see anyone new up on stage playing with iron maiden.
I honestly think that the most Maiden could lose while still retaining the name with pride is one guitarist or Nicko.

Honestly, if Dave, Adrian, or Janick called it quits, I'd rather they just play shows with two guitarists again. No one would care. Sure, there are certain parts (especially on the newer material) that would feel a little empty, but I'd rather that than some random up on stage.

As for Nicko, the reality is that he's older than everyone else and even though his personality is a huge part of the band, they could replace him.

Maiden with Steve, Bruce, and at least two of the current guitarists isn't Maiden at this point.
Yeah I doubt they would replace a guitarist at this time.

No 'arry. No Maiden. Would anyone go see a Steve Harris less Iron Maiden? Maybe if the chick from the Iron Maidens replaced him..
They could go one guitarist down, possibly recruiting a new third one, but I can't see them continuing with the loss of both Dave and Adrian, or if they lost Steve, Bruce or Nicko. Steve's (alleged?) comments to Richie Faulkner about having him in mind for 'his' band if anything happened to one of the guys suggests that the loss of one guitarist is something he'd thought about.
I would rather them just go back to two guitars. If it's just one of the three guys left it wouldn't seem right.
As much as I want Maiden to continue for a long time, I hope Steve would not even consider going on without his most ancient and true partner. That would certainly be interesting, but that would be terribly sad.
Dave's the one I'd see as most likely to go. I think he's starting to show his age.
Really? I'd say Adrian is the most likely to jump ship just out of lack of enthusiasm for new material again. He seemed disappointed with how his material on TFF turned out, which seemed a bit alarming to me.

Did you notice lack of enthusiasm from him on this tour ? This is a genuine question.
I didn't, everyone seems very happy to be on stage.
Really? I'd say Adrian is the most likely to jump ship just out of lack of enthusiasm for new material again. He seemed disappointed with how his material on TFF turned out, which seemed a bit alarming to me.

I don't mean in artistic terms. Dave just looks so much older this time out.
Yes, I don't know how to say that exactly, but Adrian seems a bit out of the trends sometimes. He wrote a lot of stuff on TFF but didn't like the way it was used. He decided to try shorter songs on the last one, but Bruce's and Steve's long songs got all the attention. And I think that, most of all, he seems very unsatisfied (and rightly so) with Shirley's approach of his playing.
Only thinking in practical terms, regardless if he stands still on stage. The rest of the band look exceptionally fit and energetic, although Nicko says he has arthritis and that could become a problem at some point.