18th Studio Album discussion

Is anyone really seriously thinking that Bruce is going to record something with Maiden in the short gap in his touring schedule before the start of the European leg of his tour???
It seems so. It's impossible to record a modern Maiden album in 14 days.

I think they will run through TFP set (because of the complexity) at Planet Live from Monday until Wednesday and then pack it in and ship the gear to Australia.
Yes. These people cannot be helped. It's unfortunate but it's true.
Imo there are people here intentionally trolling for attention. Nobody has inside sources
and if they did they wouldn’t be sharing secret info here.
Imo there are people here intentionally trolling for attention. Nobody has inside sources
and if they did they wouldn’t be sharing secret info here.
No one claimed to have inside sources though? We only have a French journalist, who has contacts in France, reaching out to people to see if they've seen Maiden members in the locations Adrian and/or Nicko are at.
No one claimed to have inside sources though? We only have a French journalist, who has contacts in France, reaching out to people to see if they've seen Maiden members in the locations Adrian and/or Nicko are at.
Well, I'm not intimate with Bruce, Adrian or anyone, I'm not a relative or even a friend of them, so I don't know what happens now. BUT, it could be related to the fact that Roy Z has now a wife and that they'll surely have their first child together. So, honeymooners will surely come there too to celebrate their wedding with a belated party. Who knows ? But, in my case, I would have prefered the band reunion to discuss about the new Maiden album...
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Imo there are people here intentionally trolling for attention. Nobody has inside sources
and if they did they wouldn’t be sharing secret info here.
I never said or written that I had inside sources. ;) BUT, if Janick and Dave and Steve could be seen in there, it could change a lot of things. :) Nevertheless, I don't have these infos for now, but when and if I get them through my contacts, I'll tell you. :)
Well, I'm not intimate with Bruce, Adrian or anyone, I'm not a relative or even a friend of them, so I don't know what happens now. BUT, it could be related to the fact that Roy Z has now a wife and that they'll surely have their first child together. So, honeymooners will come there too to celebrate their wedding with a belated party. Who knows ? But, in my case, I would have prefered the band reunion to discuss about the new Maiden album...

Say what??

Say what??

Well, I wrote that Roy Z and his wife Veronica just got married some days ago. And, according to Roy Z, they want to create a family. So, it's very possible that she's pregnant... Maybe Adrian, Nicko, Bruce and all the company are in Antibes/Nice/Saint-Tropez just to celebrate all of that...
Maybe they're planning the next five years including a new album, new releases (live albums, box sets…) tours and retirement or bye bye tour in 2030. oh wait, they have an office in London to do that :ninja:
I think they will run through TFP set (because of the complexity) at Planet Live from Monday until Wednesday and then pack it in and ship the gear to Australia.
I think that Nicko might have requested that to see where he is at.
I very much doubt that it's for rehearsals - now. No pictures of Janick, Dave, OR Steve (who is probably busy with BL). It's most likely something unrelated. The next 2 years are for recording of a new album, if not then idk, but I doubt they will want to wait longer.
That may be true for Nicko, but don't they do individuals rehearsals? And if something doesn't work out or if they want to try a new song for the tour (it's curious how they choose that), then they'll learn it when they start the rehearsals for the tour in August. With Bruce. I know it's not very likely given one comment from Bruce (and even for Celts), but they could potentially change 1 (or 2 at most) song for this year (like CIPWM), especially if a brand new tour starts next year and it won't be that big of surprise, although I don't expect it.
oh wait, they have an office in London to do that
Good call.
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