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  1. AlexS

    Guitar Pedals

    Must-have pedals on a board for me: tuner (Boss TU-2 works great); at least 2 overdrives (Maxon OD-808 for classic-rock crunch, Ibanez Super Metal for heavy distortion); boost (I use a Danelectro "Transparent Overdrive"). I also use Ibanez chorus and flanger, and have been swapping in and out...
  2. AlexS

    Adrian, Janick and Dave's guitars and Steve's basses

    That Japanese magazine shows what must be Dave's "Heritage Series" Les Paul that was in the gear listing in the Live After Death booklet. That was Gibson's 1980-81 attempt to re-create the '58-59 Bursts as closely as possible, and from what I've read they did a pretty good job. The pickups...
  3. AlexS

    The Wicker Man

    Not only that, but the prechorus is very similar to the prechorus to Queensryche's "Spreading The Disease." It's a fun tune live, but a bit simple to be up there in 9-10 territory with Maiden's more musically sophisticated songs like "Hallowed" or "Phantom." Deducting another point or two for...
  4. AlexS

    USA Politics

    This is a variant on the "stray voltage" theory of communication, as espoused by Obama adviser David Plouffe and used effectively by the Obama administration, and as also used effectively by Trump in the campaign and probably through his presidency.
  5. AlexS

    USA Politics

    We may be talking past each other. Being concerned about his political impact is one thing. Dreaming up far-fetched impeachment scenarios is another. There may be some overlap between those two sets of people, but I find it hard to take the latter group seriously.
  6. AlexS

    USA Politics

    Right now, impeachment talk is mostly a blow-off valve fantasy scenario for people who are struggling to accept the reality that yes, Trump is the new President. That fantasy scenario gave a lot of anti-war Democrats (and Greens and other assorted leftists) something to dream about and keep one...
  7. AlexS

    USA Politics

    Sorry, but that makes no sense. There's a GOP majority in both houses of Congress -- they're the ones who are gonna control spending bills for at least the next two years. If Trump collaborates with Democrats on bills -- assuming there are any Democrats who'd risk angering their rabidly...
  8. AlexS

    Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

    He also quoted Rick Astley. "[...] and I will never, ever let you down."
  9. AlexS

    USA Politics

    Correct. It's a totally unsettled question of law. Which means that in an impeachment proceeding, there would need to be extensive briefing and argument -- with the legal question of "What types of activities violate the Clause?" ultimately determined by the Senate -- before it then votes on...
  10. AlexS

    USA Politics

    DC voted 91% Democrat in the 2016 general election. It voted 92.5% Democrat in 2008. Plus, DC population is about 50% black, so the election and inauguration of the first black president was a special emotional event for a lot of that population (and many other people, given America's...
  11. AlexS

    Pink Floyd

    It seems that Gilmour's recent solo shows are at least half Pink Floyd material, at least some of it from the early days. I dig his solo material from the early 80s - "Murder" in particular was a great song. Think this clip was from the tour for About Face -- which would make that Mick Ralphs...
  12. AlexS

    Best songs with months in the title

    I don't know the song or band you listed, but as far as songs with September in the title, it'd be damn hard to top "September" by Earth, Wind, & Fire. It ain't metal -- but then again, EWF's 1977 All 'N All album cover looked so similar to that of Powerslave that a lot of people think Riggs...
  13. AlexS

    Second gig with Maiden tribute band - success

    Saturday night was my second gig with the Maiden tribute band I joined this year. (I play Dave Murray's guitar parts.) Venue was a small club in Sacramento, CA; we will have some bigger booking opportunities in the new year now that the new lineup (me and drummer) has gelled. In the audience...
  14. AlexS

    Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

    There are many, many possible solutions to this, especially if x and y are not limited to positive integers. For instance, x = 5 and y = 3. Or x= 8/3 and y = 4. Or x = 19 and y = -3. If x and y must be positive integers, then (7y) must be a number such that when you subtract it from 36, the...
  15. AlexS

    USA Politics

    There is potential for other bad outcomes too, especially the effect of poor US-Russia relations on both countries' interests in other strategic areas of the globe, including the Middle East, Asia, and Eastern Europe. There are numerous tense areas where small or large proxy wars could break...
  16. AlexS

    Queensryche & Geoff Tate

    Very similar setlist to winter 2016, with only a couple adds / drops. Spoilers: Glad to see "Hellfire" and "Eye9" made it in; wish they'd bumped 1-2 more from the Empire album for either newer songs or older ones that hadn't been in the rotation for years, but I'm probably outvoted since that...
  17. AlexS

    Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

    Yeah, I guess my stance is softer than I first said. I can get behind "Help me spread the word about my upcoming school fundraiser / gig / etc." type posts, but I'm with you on the political / cute animal / "Help me get 1000 likes!" nonsense, and the "Copy / paste this into your status and tag...
  18. AlexS

    Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

    I'll check out whatever pops up in my feed if it looks interesting and doesn't waste too much of my time (like watching a long video - that's a big attention ask). I just don't like being herded and stampeded. "PLEASE SHARE!" "Everybody click Like on this!" Nope. Nah ga do it.
  19. AlexS

    Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

    I have a firm rule on FB: if someone asks me to like or share something, I'm not liking or sharing it. You want likes or shares, you need to earn my attention and approval, not beg for it. Now as for the girls' Halloween costumes: if the girls were black and the costumes had a "Have A Nice...
  20. AlexS

    Adrian, Janick and Dave's guitars and Steve's basses

    Here's that photo of Adrian with the Ibanez RS315. There's something at the 21st fret that I can't quite tell what it is - a custom inlay perhaps?