Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

ChatGPT really isn't the amazing breakthrough everyone makes it out to be. It can quite impressively write coherent blocks of text, but if you're an expert in a specific field and make it write an essay on that topic, you will very, very quickly find the limits of its algorithm.
ChatGPT really isn't the amazing breakthrough everyone makes it out to be. It can quite impressively write coherent blocks of text, but if you're an expert in a specific field and make it write an essay on that topic, you will very, very quickly find the limits of its algorithm.
This is very true. And it's one of the reasons that machine learning really shouldn't be called "artificial intelligence". There isn't any higher-level decisionmaking happening at all -- it's just looking for any statistical associations in a set of training data that allow it to pass a specific set of test cases, and then applying those associations to new input. It only cares about the "what", not the "how". Which is why a machine-learned algorithm should never, ever be in charge of anything that could cause a safety risk (like self-driving cars or military drones) or where you need an expectation of unbiased treatment (identifying people for stop & frisk, determining criminal guilt or innocence, selecting sentencing for a criminal convict, etc.).

Now sit back and watch every tech company try to ram machine learning into all of the problematic areas above, then wait another 10-20 years for all the law suits to roll in and finally prompt the regulation of its use that we should already be thinking about implementing today.
Not sure if something like this is somewhere in the forum already, but I find this a bit of fun
View attachment 24679
"using only words previously used"
Well I might be no chatbot but yes, I can.
"Mission From Nicko", yes!

I'm the one out there all on my own
You're not standing there
The sum of my parts
It's a different situation

So we only get one chance, can we take it?
Is it worth the risk?

You can't protect yourselves!!!

A mission from
On a mission from
It's a mission from
Fuck my old boots!!!