Iron Maiden studio album 17 rumours and speculations

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This fan made art is so much cooler than actual cover artwork :mad: And the Pyramid!!!
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I don't think it's cooler, but it is good too. I like TBOS album cover (especially Eddie). The black background makes Eddie captivating, but with some details (pyramid, jungle) could have been better (with a different pose of Eddie though).

Another artwork (featured in TBOS album booklet too) is one of the best artworks of this Eddie... easily could have been the album cover (with or without pyramid & jungle). I like that Eddie can be seen in full.
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New post by bels_ feast. Nice looking cup (continues Belshazzar theme). And the three words on it. What's with the 11? And painting: The Departure of the Shunammite Woman (2 Kings 4 24), by Rembrandt?
So, is it real that some have even got their Belshazar's Feast-shirts? Basically now that you have uploaded the design and all you need to go is the local shop that prints these. And voila! you got your own shirt. That's really cool if really is.
I sincerely hope, all this buzz is not about just one song. I like Babylon, Old Testament concept.
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So......potential album titles from all the clues so far?
1. Belshazzar's Feast
2. Writing On The Wall
3. The Fire's of Belshazzar
4. Tower of Babel (3 words?)
5. Fall of Babylon
6. Babylon
7. other.....

I'd vote for 'Babylon' or 'Tower Of Babel' myself.

I think its a great general theme for the artwork and album...that mines what Maiden do best. It also
feels strangely topical to today, which is something they've thought about since the 90s really.
It also sounds like a great career ender, if it is possibly the last album?
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