Judas Priest

We stopped pretty quickly, it just happened that @Shadow @Dr. Eddies Wingman @Black Wizard and I found each other at that exact moment.

I see. If I remember it correctly, on the Sunday it was actually someone being a knob and shouting in the middle of the silence, rather than an honest mistake or bad timing like you.
Interesting backdrop (well, from the big video screen) at a Priest concert yesterday. For which song they used it, idk.

Also wtf. The other night they played Hot Rockin’.

Yes. That's the second time that they played this song during the current tour.

They probably added it, because they played two nights in a row at the same venue.
I always have since my first show. You'd be amazed at the difference. Everything is so much clearer (soundwise) and you can actually hear what the vocalist is singing.
I know how it works but it didn't really make any difference the last time I used them.
Interesting that they didn't make a difference. I use there right here, which amazon says is made for live music. And the difference is always astounding. Fairly cheap too. At the time I remember them being around 25 USD (selling for 15 right now).