USA Politics

@Travis The Dragon (and other interested people), here a good comparison in which you see how media (this is Fox News!) are dealing with Obama and the same media dealing with Trump. I hope this gives good insight to see that certain media can be (very!) against person x and pro person y. It influences the way they bring news, it influences the news itself, it can influence how you think about something.

So, the same fucking topic, but with different Presidents: radically different opinions. For them, it is not the issue that counts, it is the person that needs to be attacked or praised.

Check it out:

Oh sure, here I am doing a good job staying out of this thread and you have to tag me! :lol: Just messing. Anyway, I'm pretty much sticking with my thoughts on all of this which I promised I wouldn't bring up anymore.
Trump introduces tariffs to protect American production. The EU responds by introducing tariffs on American imports such as Harleys. Harley Davidson responds by moving its export production from the US to Brazil, India and Thailand.

Trump even sucks at trade wars.
I don't know about that, but I do know that Harley-Davidson was one of the companies that the Trump people specifically cited as needing tariffs to protect.

Is there realistically foreign competition for Harleys? That's like saying protect Gibson in case Americans start importing Yamaha Pacificas instead of buying Les Pauls. Sounds more like namedropping soundbites with a vaguely patriotic theme. It did strike me that making European prestige cars more expensive might also make them more desirable to their target market.
No competition for Harley, because it sucks. I'm still baffled how it's street legal in Europe, it might not be for long. It's 1950s tech.
It's the type of bike (Cruisers) that it specializes in and frankly you can get similar bikes of better quality from Japanese makers. My brother has a Yamaha V-Star and it has served him well this past decade. He went all the way to Guatemala and back on it (from central Mexico).

Trump is screwing over his base and the companies/demographics he swore to protect. Whether he gets impeached or not, I don't see him being elected a second term.
Man, I remember when this thread was my favourite part of coming to Maidenfans. Now, it just makes me feel exhausted.

I will say one thing, though: I never thought a president could be worse than James Buchanan, but damn, what a fucked up time in the world.