Ancient Mariner
These days? I don't know what that would be. Nothing tops Bill's blo.... impeachment.something that is seen as a complete disaster by a majority of Americans ...
These days? I don't know what that would be. Nothing tops Bill's blo.... impeachment.something that is seen as a complete disaster by a majority of Americans ...
So, if he doesnt't do something that is seen as a complete disaster by a majority of Americans ... his chances are probably good.
He's probably richer than Trump too and, being the boss of Amazon, already has a great means of distributing propaganda. How about Zuckerberg? He already knows everyone's secrets. Could at least be the boss of NSA or CIA.Oprah has ruled herself out. I think the more likely candidate from the liberal end would be Jeff Bezos.
This guy sounds awesome. As is this guy:
Nah, we just put our idiots on display more often.By far the largest population that does not know shit.
Trump's behavior in office will motivate his base, but tend to suppress any center-right independents who gave him a chance in 2016.
Nah, we just put our idiots on display more often.
The child separation policy, tariffs, and complete deference to Putin have each crossed lines for different groups of people, though. It's one thing to overlook boorish personal behavior, but entirely another to condone some of these other recent choices. Some people who were only soft supporters of Trump, or "a pox on both their houses" supporters of Trump, are going to stay home or vote Democrat in response. How large a group of people that is remains to be seen.As for "center-right independents who gave him a chance in 2016," his personality flaws have already been priced in to the equation
Oh I wasn't thinking of a non-conservative, just an alternative populist figurehead.Chuck Norris is as conservative as they get. I think he ended up supporting Trump.
People have been bringing up Oprah Winfrey repeatedly.
The last incumbent president who lost an election was a Republican who raised taxes. To a conservative American, that's the ultimate act of treason. Not even giving Alaska to the Russians for surveillance purposes would be as bad.
Nothing is impossible with Trump, but that's the bar we are talking about.
I'll be interested to see how many American Muslims or hindus this task force helps protect.