USA Politics

So, if he doesnt't do something that is seen as a complete disaster by a majority of Americans ... his chances are probably good.

The last incumbent president who lost an election was a Republican who raised taxes. To a conservative American, that's the ultimate act of treason. Not even giving Alaska to the Russians for surveillance purposes would be as bad.

Nothing is impossible with Trump, but that's the bar we are talking about.
Oprah has ruled herself out. I think the more likely candidate from the liberal end would be Jeff Bezos.
He's probably richer than Trump too and, being the boss of Amazon, already has a great means of distributing propaganda. How about Zuckerberg? He already knows everyone's secrets. Could at least be the boss of NSA or CIA.
This guy sounds awesome. As is this guy:

By far the largest population that does not know shit.
Nah, we just put our idiots on display more often.

The largest misinformed population is China, because their government actively feeds them propaganda and interferes with their ability to get information from the rest of the world.
Trump's behavior in office will motivate his base, but tend to suppress any center-right independents who gave him a chance in 2016.

Trump's base is Trump's base. As for "center-right independents who gave him a chance in 2016," his personality flaws have already been priced in to the equation; and the daily completely-insane freakouts from the #Resistance coalition since Nov. 8, 2016 have appalled them so much that they've solidified support of him. The center-right Republicans who were adamantly opposed to him in 2016 are still adamantly opposed to him, as are the Democrats.

The only people whose votes are going to change in 2020 are the ones who stayed home out of distaste for both candidates or cast one of the miniscule number of 3rd-party votes. I think more of those 2016 abstainers are going to swing towards re-election than #Resistance.
Nah, we just put our idiots on display more often.

I disagree, but won't dwelve into this because it isn't constructive.
Edit : it isn't misinformation or the amount of political lies public is being exposed to, it is the natural world and facts on it I'm talking about. A staggering amount of US population thinks the Bible is a historical 101 and it just starts there.
I'm not willing to forecast a Democrat takeover of the House, but I am willing to say that the Dems will add seats. Enough to swing it? Who the hell knows at this point. The GOP is a juggernaut of finding ways to win from their existing populace.

Meanwhile, Trump has said the following:

President Trump claimed to CNBC that he’s been “far tougher on Russia than any president in many, many years, maybe ever,” even as he continues to fend off criticism for appearing too friendly to Russian President Vladimir Putin during their summit in Helsinki.

Said Trump: “Look at all the things that I have done. Nobody else did what I have done. Obama didn’t do it. Obama was a patsy for Russia. He was a total patsy.”

He is really something, just viewing his Twitter public acc right now
He lives in this odd alternate reality. The strangest thing is how many people we know to have independent minds that have decided to endorse that reality.
As for "center-right independents who gave him a chance in 2016," his personality flaws have already been priced in to the equation
The child separation policy, tariffs, and complete deference to Putin have each crossed lines for different groups of people, though. It's one thing to overlook boorish personal behavior, but entirely another to condone some of these other recent choices. Some people who were only soft supporters of Trump, or "a pox on both their houses" supporters of Trump, are going to stay home or vote Democrat in response. How large a group of people that is remains to be seen.

As far as Trump being re-elected goes, that's going to depend heavily on the economy in 2020 and what comes out of the Mueller investigation, if anything. Some disturbing hard facts are already starting to appear out of the indictments (potential secretary of state choices being communicated back to Moscow for feedback is arguably the worst so far). Republicans will try to minimize and/or deny them, but if the weight of evidence becomes too overwhelming, some will start to peel off eventually.
The last incumbent president who lost an election was a Republican who raised taxes. To a conservative American, that's the ultimate act of treason. Not even giving Alaska to the Russians for surveillance purposes would be as bad.

Nothing is impossible with Trump, but that's the bar we are talking about.

Well, to be sure, the Trump age remains unpredictable in everything. According to a German article I read, It seems that Russia has sold most of its US state bonds in May and April. China is expected to follow suit soon if Trump keeps up with his toddler policy. The only way the US could recuperate the losses short-term is by raising taxes. I bet that if he does that, all of a sudden he will be the worst president in US history.
By then, Democrats could have control of at least one chamber of Congress and the blame will easily be placed on them.
So got into a non-argument with a couple of facebook friends (I refused to go down the troll hole), regarding this new Religious wateverthefuck "task force."

I basically said I didn't like it. They asked why. Fair question. I replied, because a GOVERNMENT religious ANYTHING is NOT good. And they asked, but why? I said, remember the inquisition? That's why. And again their like, well you're not giving us a reason. Say huh? Did I stutter? One of them said, "They haven't done anything yet." To which I said, "yeah, and the inquisition started as a series of friendly, public debates to "educate" people and look where that ended up. I just DO NOT trust a government ANYTHING that has "religion" on it. It is a ticking time bomb to becoming a tool of coercion.

Am I a prophet of disaster, or am I genuinely seeing the writing on the wall here?
I'll be interested to see how many American Muslims or hindus this task force helps protect.
I'll be interested to see how many American Muslims or hindus this task force helps protect.

That's another thing I told one of my friends over the phone. They're not kidding anybody, by "religion" they mean "Christianity," They'll continue to racially profile Muslims.