Game Of Thrones

Finished Season 2:
- Tyrion was bossing the whole season as Hand of the King, shame how it ended for him (and Bronn).
- I liked Stannis until Melisandre gave birth to a smoke monster. Fuck that so much. Don't want him anywhere near the Iron Throne, I'd rather keep the Lannisters there.
- Theon Greyjoy is a traitorous backstabbing piece of shit desperate for approval from pretty much anyone.
- Joffrey is just the absolute worst.
- The whole Qarth storyline was so boring. Couldn't care less what happened there.
- Tywin Lannister/Arya storyline was very cool, he's obviously a villain but at least he's likeable unlike Cersei and Joffrey.
- Night's Watch storyline was massively underused, I think there was only 30-40 minutes of it during the whole season. Ygritte was great. Jon Snow is now a double agent for the Night's Watch but I think he'll genuinely bond with the Wildlings.
- Robb marrying that girl is so gonna bite him in the ass.
- "Blackwater" was the best episode this season, they should really do more episodes that are set in just one place. Like, a full episode set beyond the Wall.
It's fun to see your review knowing what happens next. I guess this is how book readers felt when they knew the story. :P Ah, I wanted to comment on some of your points but I don't want to spoil anything... I'm looking forward to your reaction to the next season.
It's fun to see your review knowing what happens next. I guess this is how book readers felt when they knew the story. :p Ah, I wanted to comment on some of your points but I don't want to spoil anything... I'm looking forward to your reaction to the next season.
You're free to comment on my thoughts with other people who are caught up, just keep it in spoiler tags :P I don't open any of them in this thread apart from my own.
Finished S03E09:
I knew what was coming (impossible to avoid all these years plus I thought I'll never watch the show :P). Still speechless. Jesus Christ that was brutal. I'm gonna go watch puppy videos now.
And finished Season 3:
- Tough season for Tyrion :(
- Jaime's redemption arc begins? I didn't really expect his arc to be like this when we first met him. Wonder what the future holds for him now that he's a cripple.
- Cersei is a still a bitch and I can't wait to see her die.
- Deny is still boring.
- Hope Jon and Ygritte reconcile :( I also liked Tormund.
- Starks got rekt. Their demise was cruel but bad decisions destroyed them sadly. Prob would've won the war if not for Talisa.
- Tywin's likeability goes down every time he insults Tyrion. I like the way he treats everyone else though, especially Joffrey the little sadistic cunt.
- Margaery seems too nice to be true, think she has some hidden agenda.
- I didn't really connect the dots on what prompted Brann's desire to go north. Can someone help out?
- I hated on Theon previously now I just feel sorry for him.
- I probably forgot to mention something, too many characters and storylines to talk about :D
I'm not sure whether to spoiler-tag this or not, but...

So, do ye think the identity of Coldhands will be upheld in the books also? I remember reading somewhere something along the lines GRRM was swearing on his mother's grave he's not Benjen, but, well... Of course, I might be remembering it wrong. So, a show only spoiler, or a general book spoiler?
So, do ye think the identity of Coldhands will be upheld in the books also? I remember reading somewhere something along the lines GRRM was swearing on his mother's grave he's not Benjen, but, well... Of course, I might be remembering it wrong. So, a show only spoiler, or a general book spoiler?
I was actually wondering the same thing. I personally don't think Coldhands will be Benjen in the books. I remember that supposedly Coldhands died a long time ago, which really wouldn't make sense for Benjen.

I do hope that Benjen shows up again in some capacity in the books, though. It would suck to just have him disappear in the first book and never be heard from again.
Will every post in this thread be in spoiler tags? Is so, then...

One of the worst GoT I've watched in long time. If they don't have need for something (considering the hugeness of the plot) it's filler episodes and this one was complete filler. Even worse, they've derailed 2 plot lines that I've really been looking forward to in this season: Arya and Bran. I'm really hoping episode that aired last night continues with the intensity of 4th/5th episode.
Caught up.
Fuck the Sparrows, hope they all fucking die. Also fuck Tommen, bring back Joffrey! Joffrey was a maniac but he wasn't a pussy like Tommen. Sparrows wouldn't have survived their first meeting with Joffrey.
Luckily, they didn't continue with episode's 6 pace.
The Hound and Brotherhood are back! Fuck yes! When I've read the book, I've also hoped that Hound will survive, same thing happened in the show. Althought Weiss and Benioff said they would throw out the-thing-that-happened-at-the-end-of-the-fourth-book, reoccurance of the Brotherhood points to different dirrection.
I'm really looking forward to Lannister/Tyrell/Sparrows situation in King's Landing. If they've been pumping up that situation since season 5, conclusion (which will probably happen in the next 2 episodes) will be brutal. Same thing goes for Stark/Bolton situation on the North.
Arya and Daneris plot lines are geting little repeatative. I can't get excited for person who's been trying to get to Westeros for 6 seasons now. I'm surprised Riverrun came back. Althought they did it justice in the show (concerning the book), it doesn't have such impact on anybody now.
That was spectacular. Movie quality CGI/sets. Even if we all knew Knights of the Vale will save the day at the last moment, it was so satisfying seeing them mow down the Bolton army. So many great moments. Davos/Tormund convo. Tormund killing the Karstark fucker. Jon Snow being trampled was such an awesome scene... That whole battle was out of this world. Just perfect in every way... The shield fence... The body pile with men screaming for help... The one shot of Jon in the middle of the battle... Just holy shit.

And Ramsay's death gave me a big justice boner. Eaten by his own hounds... just perfect. Finally the good guys beat the bad guys. Poor Wun Wun though :( I loved the giant but I'd take him dying over Davos and Tormund. At least they kept a CGI-heavy character as him as long as they could and he died a hero. This show made me so paranoid I was still waiting for something bad to happen at the end.

Not the biggest fan of Deny but even her storyline was great, dragons were so well done.

Kinda hope this isn't the end of this storyline for this season, since the next ep will be in King's Landing. Hope everyone but the Tyrells and Jaime die there. I'd even take Cersei living even if I hate her if it meant the religious nutcases all die.
That was spectacular. Movie quality CGI/sets. Even if we all knew Knights of the Vale will save the day at the last moment, it was so satisfying seeing them mow down the Bolton army. So many great moments. Davos/Tormund convo. Tormund killing the Karstark fucker. Jon Snow being trampled was such an awesome scene... That whole battle was out of this world. Just perfect in every way... The shield fence... The body pile with men screaming for help... The one shot of Jon in the middle of the battle... Just holy shit.

And Ramsay's death gave me a big justice boner. Eaten by his own hounds... just perfect. Finally the good guys beat the bad guys. Poor Wun Wun though :( I loved the giant but I'd take him dying over Davos and Tormund. At least they kept a CGI-heavy character as him as long as they could and he died a hero. This show made me so paranoid I was still waiting for something bad to happen at the end.

Not the biggest fan of Deny but even her storyline was great, dragons were so well done.

Kinda hope this isn't the end of this storyline for this season, since the next ep will be in King's Landing. Hope everyone but the Tyrells and Jaime die there. I'd even take Cersei living even if I hate her if it meant the religious nutcases all die.
Could not agree more.
The fight was gruesome, intense and visually spectacular.

Better wins an Emmy.
Wow, outstanding episode, one of the very best in the whole series. Not only that, but the battle itself was possibly one of the best I've ever seen - straight movie quality. Cinematography, directing, stuntwork... All top notch. Emotional impact was huge as well, because the buildup was well done.
I'm glad I didn't remember Baelish was coming, since that was clearly hinted in one of the recent episodes. I genuinely wasn't sure how the battle was going to end.
Incredible episode. While I can't say I was surprised by how everything played out,
I had a feeling Rickon would be killed..
the battle scenes were truly spectacular. Better than many big-budget Hollywood movies.
They apparently used 80 real horses in this scene. I'd shat myself see those running at me

On another note, I hope I catch more of iwan rheon ( Ramsay Bolton) in the future.

Great acting
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