
How good is Montsegur on a scale 1-10?

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I don't find most of the song to be 'too happy' (especially not in comparisons to the chorus on New Frontier or Age of Innocence) except for those verses right after the chorus/after the solo. Also I don't mind the repetition of the chorus itself, I think it's the strongest part of the song and it has a nice energy each time I hear it.
A great driving riff builds up a bit, then breaks into a heavy, melodic verse. Chorus 1 feels a little forced, but has nice musical backing. Chorus 2 unfortunately has rote delivery, bad phrasing, and an icky guitar lead that doubles the vocal.

Another round of verse and chorus 1 and 2, then we return to the opening riff before getting an OK but sloppy Janick special and a good harmonized section. This breaks into a busier lead section with some nice harmonization before returning to chorus 2 and a modified chorus 1, and a big rock ending.

The muddy production is really noticeable on this song, especially when things get busy. I am also not a fan of chorus 2 at all, and chorus 1 has some weaknesses too. This song had the potential for greatness, but as-is it's barely a 7/10.
"Montsegur" is one of the heaviest songs Maiden have ever done, but it's also one of the muddiest. It would be great to hear this song with better production, as it messes with the song. As a whole, I like it, but some of the lyrics changes in the "post-chorus" feel like Bruce coming up with them on the spot. "The Pilgrim" also kinda does much of the same stuff on AMOLAD and I prefer that song to this. Still, it's good, but not quite as good as it could be. 7
Heavy opening riff and overall, this is one of the heaviest Maiden's songs. The verses are good and the chorus is great. The main riff is awesome too. The triple-lead guitar harmonies (after the solo from Janick) are great. Great performance from Bruce and drumming. The melody under the verses and the chorus is fun. Great end to the song. Song full of melodies. It has a classic feel from the 80's era of the band. 8/10
Underrated gem. Has 80's Maiden epic heaviness wrote all over it and is wicked and relentless as fuck. Perhaps the bridge could be repeated only twice instead of four times. Other than that there's a strong Losfer Words opening riff meets folk amazing feel to it. Best short song from their post reunion era, IMO even better than The Wicker Man and considerably ahead of other great short rockers like Rainmaker, The Alchemist and The Final Frontier. Easily one of their best post reunion track... simply stunning .10/10
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Have you ever read Montaillou by Emmanual Le Roy Ladurie? It's a history book portraying life in a small village in the Pyrenees in the late 13th to 14th Century, based on the records of an inquisitor who interviewed people in the area and dug up some pretty personal (and damning) stuff. Fascinating portrayal of medieval life and values, specifically Cathar values and the structure of society in that part of the world at that time. It's had a quite a bit of criticism regarding interpretation of the original records and the risk of making huge assumptions that everyone in that region at this time thought the same way, but is still a very worthwhile read.
Have you ever read Montaillou by Emmanual Le Roy Ladurie? It's a history book portraying life in a small village in the Pyrenees in the late 13th to 14th Century, based on the records of an inquisitor who interviewed people in the area and dug up some pretty personal (and damning) stuff. Fascinating portrayal of medieval life and values, specifically Cathar values and the structure of society in that part of the world at that time. It's had a quite a bit of criticism regarding interpretation of the original records and the risk of making huge assumptions that everyone in that region at this time thought the same way, but is still a very worthwhile read.

I have not read that book. Thanks for the recommendation!
Hi, I've reopened this song for voting, after resetting the votes.

Please add your vote for this song and consider the following tips:

  • Try to be consistent across the Iron Maiden catalogue. Don't vote based on the place on the album, but the place in the overall catalogue.
  • 1 should be the worst Iron Maiden songs, 10 should be the best. You can have lots of 10s and 1s as you see fit.
  • Don't vote based on other people's votes. IE, if you think a song is overrated, don't give it a 1 or 2 just because you think it's getting "too high" of votes.
I stand alone in this desolate space...
Magic Bruce! Only him! You hear this verse and you know he's been standing there, trying to feel the vibes from the centuries.

Centuries later I wonder why
What secret that they took to their grave...

There are many myths around that site, I even heard something about Hitler searching the Holy Grail there, which could be the hint of Bruce's lyric too.
Dance of Death was still fresh when I moved to Toulouse so I naturally did a tour around the Land of Cathars; Carcassonne, Albi, Termes, Foix & of course Montsegur. I took some proud photos of myself in front of the castle too like the Ghost^ but they are long lost.
My impression after staying in this region for more than a year is like time has been stopped there with many locals being very proud of their "Cathar" heritage.
More on the Land of Cathars, Toulouse and the Holy Grail in this old post of mine in this very thread.

The song is very heavy and always been one of my favorites from Dance of Death. I dislike the happy singing in major during the bridge but not as much as to condemn it.
The closest they have ever come to thrash metal. It suffers from Brave New World's syndrome of repetitive choruses but it also has some of their most brutal lyrics:
Templar believers with blood on their hands
Joined in the chorus to kill on command
Burned at the stake for their soul's liberty
Still burning heretics under our skies
Facing the sun as they went to their grave
Burn like a dog or you'll live like a slave
Great track overall, too bad they didn't play it live.