Your Top 5 Years

Well there have been a few highlight years so far, maybe the best are yet to come, who knows?

1) 2017: tied the knot here and otherwise also a pretty solid year
2) 2013: great time at grad school, made some really solid friendships and overall had a great time learning to be an ecologist...
3) 2010: first gf and overall having fun at college with good friends
4) 2019: first full year of educational phd life, moved to where i currently live and met some real cool people
5) 2015: met the future wife so pretty sure was a sappy lovestruck puppy for most of this

Shoutout to 2008 when I saw Maiden live for the first time (Somewhere Back in Time Tour in Stockholm with @Yax) and was a totally irresponsible undergrad.

Apparently partners, friends and scholarly endeavors make me happy.
1989 - Cause that's the year I came into the world
2008 - Cause so many great things happened this year. Including seeing Maiden for the first time.
2016 - The Cubs won the World Series. That alone was enough to make up for any other craziness that may have occurred in this year
2007 - I graduated high school and had my first experience in college
1998 - The Bulls win championship #6. The awesome Sosa - McGwire home run chase. The youthful ignorance and joy of being 9 years old.
5. 2005 - moved to the city of Trondheim and out from my childhood home, 20 years old, first apartment, first job, feeling totally free.
4-2. 2011-2013 getting married, buying a house, my first son gets born. Honorable mention to 2015, when my second son get born, even if we almost lost him three times during his first weeks. My family is complete.
1. 2020 Finally a secure job close to where I live, with a good paycheck. It also gives me lots of quality time with my family. My kids are growing up, my wife is the most amazing human being on Earth, we are soon celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary, we are all relatively healthy, and I have nothing to complain about