Although I had been a fan of the band since 1991, I had to wait until 11th August 1996 to see the band live (I did not have the means to go and see them in 1992 and 1993 as I was still under 18 and with the band playing more than 100 miles from where I was living it was impossible for me attend the shows).
I was not too impressed with The X Factor and did not consider going to any of the 1995 shows, but Maiden were playing some C markets during the summer of 1996 and a guy (who later ended up playing bass in a band I did sing for!) decided to organise a coach trip to the show at Miajadas (Spain), a place with less than 10000 inhabitants. It was an excellent opportunity, so I decided to go with my better half. Maiden were playing a "football stadium", which in essence was a field with goals and a limited number of seats outside the village and were supported by a local band (Superstición), Dirty Deeds, and Helloween. Here is a picture of how the football stadium looks like from the road...
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On our way to MIajadas, the coach driver feel asleep at the wheel (literally) and we had an accident. We were helped by the lovely people of Valdemorales, the village where we nearly met death on the road, and had to wait for another coach to take us to Miajadas. In the meantime, the police came, breathalysed the driver, and found that he was over the legal limit! After a long wait, a replacement coach arrives and we tell the police that we are not travelling unless the new driver is breathalysed. Guess what? The new chap was also over the limit!! They had to call another driver who had the day off and came by car so he could then take us to Miajadas with the replacement coach.
I have fond memories of the show (after all it was my first time seeing the band and Blaze did a good job for the most part, although I think he butchered some classics). Nevertheless, as you can imagine, Maiden were not the ones who made the day one to remember!
Edit: I have found a low quality bootleg of the gig!