Caveman Ninja
The Titanic doesn't fit inside
No, not kidding. Yip, I stepped out of my house once or twice!
I found Aberdeen pretty hard to settle in, to be honest. I worked (& stayed) quite a lot away from home with work, so didn't really experience Aberdeen enough to settle in well for the first couple of years I was there. But, eventually I grew to quite like the place, bought a flat, etc. When I left, I left behind some good friends.
I didn't drink at the Moorings, no. Tended to go to the casino, as we could get in late, drink 'til six in the morning, that sort of thing!
Didn't see any local bands at all; in fact didn't even see Maiden in Aberdeen when they played. I went with friends to the Glasgow (2011) gig instead. I should just have gone to both.
That's what I did
I was wondering if we might ever have crossed paths but it would appear that we probably didn't... I know a few folk from Glasgow who have found it tough to settle up here. Aberdonians can seem a bit cold to outsiders I think. Actually they're quite friendly, but I think they like to suss you out before they speak to you. (I say "them"... I was born here, but grew up in a wee village about 30 miles away called Auchenblae. Got English parents too, for my sins... I don't really count myself as a true Aberdonian. I'm more of a country loon really).
Where was your flat?