
I really do not see this as a whistle blower as much as someone with a grudge who wants to throw as much crap out there and see what sticks.  I doubt it was ever any great secret that diplomats do not say what they mean and there are some back room dealings going on, but that type of action is the way the world works.  This is not some kind of action where someone found that there was a cover up (some radiation leak hurting a city, illegal dumping, bribes, etc). 

What is also baffling to me is that many of the people that deride what the government does in these circles are the ones that also want it to run Health Care, keep all of Social Security, etc.  governments by nature are crappy at most things they do.
No, they are not.

Or do you think the Interstate is poorly run. I agree that this isn't whistleblowing in the traditional sense, in that this isn't a smoking gun that has really blown open a scandal...yet. This time (Wikileaks HAS done that in the past, it should be remembered) it is more of releasing stuff that the US would really kinda like to keep private. I wonder why that is scarier than the Iraq/Afghan releases, the memo on secret gov't prisons, the torture approval at Gitmo, and so on.
What I don't like is that some companies have already bowed for US government pressure and now have stopped their collaboration with WikiLeaks. Assange is not even on trial yet.
Yeah, I keep getting mails saying "I deleted my Amazon, Paypal and Ebay accounts."

My response is: "Good for you. I don't care."
I was chatting with some friends last night and I found it laughable how they were referring to Assange (sp?) as a terrorist and his "fans" as well for "bringing down" Mastercard and Visa for like... an hour, I don't know, but it was hilarious and scary how petrified they were about the whole debacle.
Forostar said:
Bring down PayPal!

I have my Maiden concert tickets so let it happen!

All this mastercard/visa thing just reminds me of Fight Club... so it makes me smile lol
LooseCannon said:
No, they are not.

Yes they are. 

LooseCannon said:
Or do you think the Interstate is poorly run.

Why, yes.  Also, my commute is now twice as long because the people who run the Interstate decided it would be a good idea to use federal stimulus funds (i.e., our tax dollars) for a make-work project to tear down several perfectly good bridges on I-405 and build new bridges -- all in the b.s. name of "infrastructure enhancement."  What a crock.  This is just a phony way of increasing employment.  If it is the government's idea to solve the employment problem by hiring workers to do meaningless work, I'd rather they just ship them to the desert to dig a hole and then fill it in a hundred times rather than taking an extra hour out of the day of each worker who is actually employed by someone who values his or her services and voluntarily pays for them. 
Government is just as bad at private industry at doing things. The difference is the sort of corruption, not the absence of it.

Make-work projects are bad. However, government spending is not a universally bad thing. Take where I live; we've gotten money from the federal government to replace an older road that goes through a very dangerous chicane in a winter hotspot. 100+ km of new highway, four lane instead of two. That is of real use.

A 70 year old bridge in my town is also being replaced. Again, that needed doing, and I doubt anyone would suggest otherwise.
So they arrested a 16-year-old Dutch kid for participating in the hacking of credit card company websites to protest Assange's arrest and general smearing.  I don't know whether this kid should be thrown in jail, or whether I want to hire him! 

Still, this news presents as good an opportunity as any to post this link to a clip I always think of when I think of the Dutch. 
Kid's set for life. When he gets out of prison, all the major security companies plus MS and Apple will be offering him 250k/year jobs.
For what? Skill of running DDoS attack tool?
Actually, the kid didn't know even the basics of hiding his own IP address.
So some newspapers in Israel are publishing articels about Anonymus from 4chan, claiming they are "an anarchist group" that's goal is "to take down any site that doesn't agree with freedom of speech". They even claim they have activists in Israel.

God, people are such morons. They are all just a bunch of /b/tards, and these reports are prime example of newfaggotry.