Who are your second favourite metal band?

Natalie said:
And....? Do we get an explanation as to why Kreator is your second favorite band?

Yes here is my explanation as to why Kreator is my second favorite band. Kreator is one of the Thrash Metal bands, and I like very much Thrash Metal. Why do I like Thrash Metal? For me TM is something in between, Death Metal and Speed Metal, but it's not as extreme as DM and not as fast as SM, but something in between of these two kinds, which I really like. Kreator has an amazing guitarist Mile Petrozza, which is also a singer, and there's something different about his singing. For what I also like in Kreator, is that after ten seconds in the song, the drummer starts drumming very fast adding guitars to that. For that to hear you should check out a song "Betrayer" from "Extreme Aggression", which I reccomend. Some people may think that Kreator is similar to Slayer, but it's not, it's darker.
:D You may have a point Albie...but since I am unfamiliar with Kreator's music (yes, blasphemy I know) asking couldn't hurt...:P
Then I recommend you familiarise yourself with their music. As a guide, their first few albums were typical of a lot of thrash that seemed to be around at the time whist still creating a distinctive Kreator sound, but the nineties period they tried to get away from this and they turned out stuff that was sometimes Maidenesque (Isolation) and occasionally there was the use of keyboards to create an industrial sound (Lucretia). Some of the nineties stuff is my favoured period of theirs.

Some the 2000's, they went back to a more aggressive sound but they still had the maturity in the songwriting the developed during the 90's. Their latest offering "Enemy of God" is a very good album.

Great band - the best German band ever.