Which Senjutsu songs do you predict will be played live?


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I am pretty solidly in the camp which believes that the whole album is likely to be played live, but let’s say that they go the “normal” route of playing 5 - 7 songs. What songs do you think are most likely to be played live?

A couple things:
All solo Harris compositions since the reunion have been played live and very few from prior to the reunion have not been played. Usually if Steve writes a song it’s going to get played. But it has been awhile since Steve’s written four songs all by himself, so it’s hard to say if all four will take priority.

I don’t get the impression that they are interested in spending more than one year touring on this album due to the covid delays (this is actually why I find a small scale tour playing all of Senjutsu to be the most plausible scenario). Because of that, I don’t think we are going to see a situation where a 7th or 8th song are brought into the set during year two of the tour, which is how we got extra songs from TBOS and BNW.

My predictions:
The Writing on the Wall
The Time Machine
Death of the Celts
Hell On Earth
The Writing On The Wall
Days Of Future Past
Darkest Hour
Hell On Earth

I could see them dropping The Writing On The Wall if they use it for LOTB 2022, then adding another of Steve's epics.
I think full album is a strong possibility. There's a lot of positive buzz around Senjutsu and a short tour with the entire album played would make up for the prolonged focus on classics (LotB tour). I hope they do it.

If we're talking about a standard setlist, my prediction is:
The Writing on the Wall
Days of Future Past
The Time Machine
The Parchment
Hell on Earth

I think we will definitely get one of the three: The Time Machine, The Parchment or DotC. Possibly two. The Time Machine + The Parchment would be the best scenario for me. And I really hope DotC won't be their choice...
My bet is that the following will be played live:

Senjutsu - the opening song and title track of the record. Bruce has already stated he can't wait to do it live as a concert opener, so it's a shoe-in.
Stratego - a single.
The Writing on the Wall - a single.
Days of Future Past - short and sweet and liable to work well like "The Wicker Man" did during LOTB, as a bit of a palette cleanser amidst epics.
The Time Machine - another song Bruce said he can't wait to do live, and although the song structure might be more difficult for the band to execute, I do think it's got a lot of jumpy moments that will make it an audience grabber.
Death of the Celts - a lot of build up but also a lot of instrumental excitement for the live audience to latch onto.
The Parchment - all those sections slowly building but incredibly fun make it seem like a "The Red and the Black" of the album - great studio recording, but man will it slay live.

I do think there's a case to be made for "Darkest Hour" being included as well, like "Coming Home" on the TFF tour, but "Lost in a Lost World" and "Hell on Earth" feel more like studio-only tracks unless they play the whole album live. Which I hope they do and which I'd bet more money on.
Think @Diesel 11 has it close to spot on judging by the songs people have been bigging up in interviews, but I don't think it will be 7 tracks, so probably DOTC won't make it. DOFP might get in because of it's running time, and Hell On Earth might miss out due to it's chillaxed ending and fade out, e.g. a similar structured track The Thin Line wasn't played live.
The Writing On The Wall
Days Of Future Past
The Parchment
Hell On Earth

I think they will drop TWOTW (if the play it during LOTB tour) for the album tour and replace it with a different song - I bet on Death Of The Celts.
They're absolutely going to do Senjutsu and Stratego. You have to feel they'll do The Writing on the Wall, and at least one of the Steve epics - my guess is on Hell on Earth.

They also haven't missed playing a Gers/Harris epic since 2000, so The Time Machine will be in there as well.
The thought of them playing TWOTW on Legacy of the Beast but not on the Senjutsu tour seems wild to me. It would make The Writing on the Wall the first song not to be played on its album tour (although not in the way we’ve discussed that sort of thing).

That aside, they’re going to play the singles on the album tour, I see no way around that.
I think that Darkest Hour would be absolutely perfect as a live song. It's quite surprising that most of you aren't picking that one. Death of the Celts and both of the singles are pretty sure bets, as well as the title track. They'll probably do either one out of The Parchment/HOE duo, my guess is Hell On Earth.
The Writing on the Wall
Death of the Celts
Hell on Earth

The Parchement
Days of Future Past
The Time Machine

Absolutely not possible:
Darkest Hour
Lost in a Lost World
As @Kalata's first part above, it makes perfect sense. I don't think they'll drop anything, least for the Death of the Celts.

The Writing On The Wall
Days Of Future Past
The Parchment
Hell On Earth

I had a vision the other day. Hell on Earth would make a hell of an opener, just picture it guys. The whole stadium will go crazy once the mighty drums enters and heavenly riffs follow.
That aside, they’re going to play the singles on the album tour, I see no way around that.

Off the top of my head, bar Virus, I don't think a single has ever not been played. And they didn't tour when Virus was out.

Just remember Empire wasn't played either but again that wasn't a real single more a novelty release.
It is a given they'll play the two singles and the title track. They've always done so.

Then on each album tour they've always played the final song on the album if it was done by Steve. So this gives us Hell on Earth too.

They chose Coming Home and Wasting love on the repsctive tours so this results in playing the Darkest hour. so i think these are the core live songs

1) Senjutsu
3) Stratego
4) Darkest Hour
5) Hell on Earth

This gives us 30 minutes worth of the new album.

Then I guess they would throw in Days of future past.

There you go! Nice and clean!
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For me :

The Writing On The Wall
Lost In A Lost World
Days Of Future Past
Death Of The Celts
Hell On Earth

And as the band is OK to play the entire album, we can add The Time Machine, Darkest Hour and The Parchment. ;)