Which is the Worst Eddie?


Ancient Mariner
Which is the worst Eddie? My first two picks are No Prayer on the Road Eddie, because it just looks crap...


... and the Visions of the Beast Eddie from the dvd menu. For the same reason and also because that dvd menu goes on for about 10 minutes and you can't skip it. It's awful.

General design? Artwork? Walk ons? Big Eddies?

I really dislike the Riggs Eddies from the early 90s. The Real Dead One is one of the few where I like the design, as well as the Raising Hell cover with Eddie playing Steve's bass. The Real Live One on the other hand is an abomination that encapsulates everything I dislike about that era of designs.

The X Factor Eddie on the cover is ugly, the one with the long hair on the electric chair on the other hand is a pretty cool design.
The Final Frontier Eddie is far too goofy and one of my least favorites. The general idea is nice, but the way he holds the key on the cover just looks silly (and I really hate that they gave the walk on Eddies guitars during that time, that looked beyond stupid).
General design? Artwork? Walk ons? Big Eddies?

I really dislike the Riggs Eddies from the early 90s. The Real Dead One is one of the few where I like the design, as well as the Raising Hell cover with Eddie playing Steve's bass. The Real Live One on the other hand is an abomination that encapsulates everything I dislike about that era of designs.

The X Factor Eddie on the cover is ugly, the one with the long hair on the electric chair on the other hand is a pretty cool design.
The Final Frontier Eddie is far too goofy and one of my least favorites. The general idea is nice, but the way he holds the key on the cover just looks silly (and I really hate that they gave the walk on Eddies guitars during that time, that looked beyond stupid).
I like x factor eddie! Worst is virtual Xi cover and eddie during iron maiden and if we are speaking about covers. I dont like the black background of the last 2 albums. Book of souls and senjutsu
Something from TXF era, surely.
I like that they tried doing something different with the sculpture and everything for TXF, but I tend to agree. I'm not a fan of the full-frontal shot they used for the album cover, but I do like the angled view with the more shadowy lighting they used for the Man on the Edge single. Pretty sure that's gonna be my next sculpture I do, but I'm thinking of doing it in more of a Riggs style with the hollow eyes, more dramatic/less-derpy expression.

Other Eddies I'm pretty meh on have been mentioned here: TFF Eddie (the comic-style single cover should've been the album cover, IMO), BNW Eddie's a bit bland, and I'm generally tired of the NPFTD/RFYL "Eddie in jeans/leather jacket" look. Overdone, and not terribly imaginative when compared to the abundance of crazy designs we've seen throughout the years.
I like Cloud Eddie too, it's an interesting concept. Is he a god, looking down from a heaven? Is he looking over this brave new world fondly, pleased that its people are safe and content and knowing that he doesn't need a physical form to protect it? Or is he evil, looming unseen in the clouds, letting the people enjoy their peace while he bides his time, preparing to return and wreak havoc?
The worst thing is the BNW Tshirt. Not Maidens fault, but: Being 50 now has it that I'm far from being slim these days, and the bright globe in the lower third of the shirt print exposes my belly perfectly :facepalm:

The last time I wore a band’s t-shirt must be more than 30 years ago, except a tailor made one last year, as a marriage party concept prerequisite, all I did was put white letters on black background.
The last time I wore a band’s t-shirt must be more than 30 years ago, except a tailor made one last year, as a marriage party concept prerequisite, all I did was put white letters on black background.
I love my Maiden shirts. I have 54 altogether. (Only official merch)
Was wearing a Killers shirt as a 10 year old, still wearing a Killers shirt as a 50 year old.