So: listened to Killers again. I think my previous impression still holds true.
The first three tracks are great, especially Wrathchild and MITRM, Killers is a good tune, and Genghis Khan is pure adrenaline.
Purgatory, Twilight Zone, Another Life, and Innocent Exile have some cool musical passages, but the overall songs aren't spectacular and the lyrics are average at best. I find Prodigal Son to be a waste of time and Drifter may be one of the top three worst Maiden songs of all time. Pure junk.
The most infuriating thing about the album is that FOUR songs are only half-finished lyrically. It drives me crazy when a band just repeats the same verse over and over again. This is fine maybe once, but FOUR times?! Ridiculous. Another Life is just stupidly repetitive.
When Killers is good, it's amazing, but there is so much unfinished filler on the album that I would put it in my bottom 3 Maiden albums without question. Other than the production, it does not even compare to the quality of the debut.