Where have you been?

So, when I moved to AZ, I was told I wasn't mexican because I lacked all said things. Also, because I wore sneakers instead of huaraches and didn't ride a donkey to school. So I told them said individual doesn't exist. We all wear jeans and t-shirts now, have automobiles and TVs. 17 years later I move back, I rent my first home and behind it is a HUGE corn field. One morning I'm woken up by a very loud "MOOOOOO!" I look out my window and see about 10 cows eating whatever was left of the harvest to clear out and fertilize the land again. Behind them, however, was a man, dressed in cloth pants, huaraches, a poncho, sombrero and nice big mustache.... He was riding a donkey :facepalm:. I just thought to myself... 17 years telling people you don't exists and here you are in full glory.

:lol: :lol:

In all seriousness however, in many of our resort towns, non-white locals get turned away out of classism/racism. A few turn away locals all together because they just assume we're all poor.

This is very disturbing. :mad:
Hopefully I'm not forgetting anything:

(Technically a bunch of ex-Yugoslavian countries, but we only ever drove through them, so I'm not counting them)

If all goes well, next year will see England, Ireland and Scotland added to the list.
This is very disturbing. :mad:
To put it mildly. I didn't believe it at first, but then I got similar treatment at the bank. Now, I'm "white," but I was dressed like our friend the donkey rider. Bank Exec calls my name, I get up and say that's me, dude looks over, scans me up and down like the Terminator and in a very condescending tone says, "What loan are YOU enquiring about?" "Um the one YOU offered me, I'm just here to say yes." "Do you have some ID?" "Yes." Hand over my ID, comes back 2 minutes later after seeing I actually have money in the bank, "Right this way, sir!" Fucking punks.
More seriously, I've been in France, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Liechtenstein, Austria, Czech Republic and that's quite all for now. The countries I would like to visit are Portugal, Spain, UK, all Scandinavia, Greece, Egypt, USA, Central and South-America, China, Japan, Canada and Tibet/Nepal/Bhutan.