Where does Iron Maiden stand in your top 10 bands of all time?

I don't always think they're my #1, but then I again I don't spend hours a week on a message board for any other bands.
This board (to me) is not just about Maiden. I don't even follow most of the threads in the Maiden Chat subforum, especially since there's no actual news. But discussing random other topics with people I have grown to think of as friends, even if I haven't met all of them in person, is still something I keep coming here for.
At or near the top. There are times I might rate Sabbath or Queen or early Metallica or even The Replacements higher, but over time it seems always to come back to Maiden. Certainly I have more of a nostalgic connection to Maiden than any other band.
I used to listen to "Die With Your Boots On" after reading chapters in The Fountainhead and We The Living. Good soundtrack to Rand's better works.