Cat Milk Supreme
Ancient Mariner
I agree that RE production on the Blaze albums but The X Factor in particular puzzles me. I like the songs. But there is a sluggish/turgid/ploddy quality to a lot of it. There are moments where the band sound downright disinterested. How could this be allowed? If it was all just down to production then surely somebody would have interjected. Is it possible that everyone was so afraid of Steve that they couldn't question his choice of producer or studio or his own co-production work? I can't really see that. However, if Steve decided that he wanted the album to sound exactly as it does, I can imagine him digging his heels in. I mean, if Steve listened to the playback and wasn't happy then surely he could/would have done something? Twiddled a knob, recruited a professional. Maybe its like the parent who can't admit that their child is ugly as fuck. But aye, maybe I am underestimating the skill and quality of a good producer.