Where can I find Donington Live 1992?

Hi, I have been looking all over the web for a week now for a copy of Donington Live 1992 on VHS. I haven't found anything. I've looked all over eBay and Amazon and other sites and it's nowhere to be found. The only ones I have found were bootleg DVD copies that are apparently really bad quality with some company's logo annoyingly on the screen the whole time, and then very few copies on Amazon UK but these are PAL format and will not work for me here in the US.

Does anyone know where I can find a US (NTSC) copy of Iron Maiden: Donington Live 1992 on VHS? It's the last official concert release put out by Iron Maiden that I don't have. Any help would be much appreciated!
I dunno. I downloaded a DVD which I guess is a VHS copy. Quality is pretty bad for an official release though.
Btw. I just noticed that this is the 8000th thread :cheers:
Just look in used record stores and places like that. If you keep looking hard enough one might show up.
It's likely to be officially re-released on DVD in the coming months/years along with the immenent release of Maiden England.  I'm holding out for that version.
I agree. I hate how it switches from Black And White to Color. There are some good parts about the performance though.
I actually just ordered Maiden England on VHS just because I can't wait any longer for the DVD release and it's the only official concert release I haven't seen yet along with Donington Live 1992. Even if they'll release Donington on DVD at some point in the future I don't want to wait (and I'd still rebuy it then anyway), and finding it in a store will be near impossible for me because there's no way of knowing if it's there unless I stop in (which requires vast amounts of driving and hope). I feel like my only option is the internet but I can't find any NTSC copies online.

Does anyone on these boards have a copy they would sell?
If you're looking for an original release, I'm about 99% sure that it was never released in NTSC format.  I never saw it until a friend of mine who had an NTSC to PAL converter back in the day showed it to me.  You really aren't missing much, it's one of Maiden's worst home videos.  I'm sure we'll see it on DVD sooner than later.
You can pretty much watch the whole thing on youtube.  I watched Running Free "Hey H!" was a great line, who knew that would be the lineup 7-ish years later.  But wow, the editing on that was just horrible.  Just because you can do an effect, does not mean you should do an effect.  Thank God they do not make thier music that way.
I found it for like $10 at some small record store's going out of business sale. I don't even know if I still have it, I barely watched it tbh.
The whole thing is on google video. I can give the link if it is allowed.
Forostar said:
It still was a better watch than the "Let's-Edit-Like-an-Epileptic on the Road" DVD.

I'm not sure, the slow-mo and b/w stuff gives it a run for it's money.