When someone asks me what I like most about Maiden...

When someone asks me what I like most about Maiden...

... I say I like the Thin Lizzy double/triple guitars, just as in Emerald, used as a main attraction, that I like the unique drummer who is completely inimitable, whether we like it or not, because what he does with the toms and the base drum is a mystery to me (now picture a gorilla eating a cake, right?), all that combined with such an amazing sense of melody that even the most filler-ish tracks and the songs I hate most are still better than... well, pretty much everything else.

But the easy way would be to play to that bloke Dance of Death. I find that to be rather representative.
TBOS probably is very representative of post-Brave New World Maiden, come to think of it. I wouldnt have said DOD so much, as they're not in the habit of throwing historical/folky sounding ingredients into the majority of their songs.

And I can't get that image of a gorilla eating cake out of my mind now.
It's not a bloke, Judas.

Oh, a colleen then? That's even better, I'd play to her The Legacy right away. :D

TBOS probably is very representative of post-Brave New World Maiden, come to think of it. I wouldnt have said DOD so much, as they're not in the habit of throwing historical/folky sounding ingredients into the majority of their songs.

Might be, but the overall sound of the song has always sounded pretty much pure Maiden to me, especially that instrumental part... How about Ghost of the Navigator?

And I can't get that image of a gorilla eating cake out of my mind now.


At least it's not Harambe.
I have. You see, a true knight has his sword stained with blood. All the time. Whether it's Maiden-Japan or Maiden-Nicaragua, the high man must be intact ;)
The Fugitive 2:46-3:59


But in all seriousness, ROTAM at 8:37 is possibly the best moment of their career. The intro of CSIT is one too. For some odd reason, I can never get enough of it and just the mere thought of hearing it live nearly brings me to tears. Dave's solo on the RiR version of Sign of the Cross is also another huge highlight.

Another highlight are those back to back Davey solos on Prodig-- I should just shut up.