What are your plans for your first Senjutsu "listening party"?


Educated Fool
I'm sure all of you have already pictured yourself listening to Senjutsu for the very first time and maybe you already have a ritual for a big event like this or just take it as it comes. Please share your plans for your first playthrough: do you listen all by yourself in a dark room or are you amongst Friends? Are you in possession of a high fidelity sound system or will you disappear from the outside world with earphones on your head? Do you prefer that your senses are clean from mind altering substances or do you rather take it with a bottle or two of your favorite beverage? Tell us!
I'm going to sit on my bean bag with my eyes closed in the dark and my ed phones on the sides of my face where I keep my ear holes. Then I'm going to listen to the album and.....you know. Enjoy It.
As a family father of two I know I won't get the peace I need during the day so I will probably wait for everyone to go to bed, pour a glass of my favorite Italian red wine and consume this beast alone on my headphones. Hopefully I've managed to grab a physical copy by then, but that's just for looking at the nice pictures and lyrics.
I dont have any special ritual for new big albums that I really look forward to. It usually depends. But I got my plan for Senjutsu.

Dont have any work or anything planned so im free on the 13th. Got the album preordered from a local record store. So when they open at 11 ill be there and getting the album. Head back home and enyoy two Sun and Steels with the album. Listen to the first half, then take a break. Digest it. Then listen to the second half.

Cant fuckin wait
I will be in a middle of Indian ocean, and with my poor internet connection I will put new album to download on Spotify so I can listen in offline mode without lagging.

Since I am stuck on vessel because of Covid, please Steve let this album to be great so I can enjoy to your music in this sea cage.

Thank you
I will be in a middle of Indian ocean, and with my poor internet connection I will put new album to download on Spotify so I can listen in offline mode without lagging.

Since I am stuck on vessel because of Covid, please Steve let this album to be great so I can enjoy to your music in this sea cage.

Thank you
Interesting! Sounds like you work on a freight ship?
Day off work, into town to pick up the album, hi fi on, probably too early for a can so a cup of tea will suffice, press play.

My turntable is getting fixed at the moment so if I get it back in time it will be the vinyl that gets the first play.
Probably be a case of hearing some scratchy awful leak in my case :D Can't beat my listening party experience for the previous album anyway, which was the Fan Club listening party in the studio in Paris.

However, there is also this
I called my local shop and asked to have a copy reserved. They always break street date as soon as stock comes in so I will probably have it a week before release date. Going to sit in a darkened room and play it at ear bleeding levels.
I will be in a long long driving trip, days inside already. Beats headphones borrowed from a friend.
The first listen may be either outside, at night, under the clear sky & stars (provided I'll get the early leak), or Friday daytime, on the move; sitting on co-driver's seat, with landscapes pass before my eyes. Right now I visualize more the second version happening.

In any case, it will be the first time that I'll listen to a new Maiden outside home.
Not sure which time zone at 00:01 it will come up on iTunes? UK time???

I'm living outside the UK at the moment in Asia, so no chance of a record store day of release experience this time. I expect my Amazon order will be about a week late to deliver, so I'll need the iTunes version.
I'm going to sit on my bean bag with my eyes closed in the dark and my ed phones on the sides of my face where I keep my ear holes. Then I'm going to listen to the album and.....you know. Enjoy It.
Pretty much the same as you! After that I’ll probably bug my wife about all the details from my first listen, and she don’t care at all