What are you currently liking in between TFF listens?

I don't listen to anything Maiden apart from TFF these days.Before getting the new album I was listening a lot to DOD.
Trouble and Running Wild have been playing a lot at my house by my roomies inbetween listens.

I keep trying to motivate my roomie who's obsessed with Running Wild to start up a cover band, but he's slow to action.
Oops!  My prior post clearly shows I misread the original post.  I listen to a mix of maiden on a CD that was made.  Random stuff that happens to have a lot of SSOASS, TNOB and IM.
Yea, I can't really stop with the new album.  So much to absorb; I get lost in the music.  This album just keeps getting better.
Been listening to TFF nonstop including in my car since the leak and after I got the mision editon! ,

I finally started listening to something else last night: Accept: Blood Of Nations...Awesome!

Accept is back! I know Accept opened for Maiden here in the states back on the Powerslave tour I think it was....

Always enjoyed Accept and new singer Tornillo fits perfectly into some hard-to-fill shoes (Udo)! IMHO, Highly recommended!
I listen to TFF when I'm at home on surround sound. Recently, it's been Iron Maiden, Killers, and Powerslave on the mp3 player when I'm out. Not really sure why...
bbreeg614 said:
Been listening to TFF nonstop including in my car since the leak and after I got the mision editon! ,

I finally started listening to something else last night: Accept: Blood Of Nations...Awesome!

Accept is back! I know Accept opened for Maiden here in the states back on the Powerslave tour I think it was....

Always enjoyed Accept and new singer Tornillo fits perfectly into some hard-to-fill shoes (Udo)! IMHO, Highly recommended!

Where are you guys getting this album @?  Amazon says release date isn't until September (in the US, that is.)
New The Sword tomorrow also!
I can neither confirm nor deny that I listened to the new Accept record, and I have no comment on if it may or may not be their best since Restless & Wild.  :D
And for interested parties, the new The Sword record is streaming on www.myspace.com/thesword
I picked up Chemical Wedding a few days before The Final Frontier came out, so I've been listening to that in breaks between TFF. Both are awesome metal albums, i'm really liking Bruce's solo stuff. Same iconic voice, but musically there's stuff you just don't get much of with Maiden.
So far I've been listening to nothing but the Final Frontier album but I listened to some songs off Dance of Death and all of No Prayer For the Dying and I'll probably play some songs off A Matter of Life and Death today.
I got in love this year with Dream Theater.....when the news about the new album i listen the post reunion discs to death. Some old stuff also..now TFF is making a lot of noise in my house....
I put all 15 studio records of Iron Maiden into a playlist, and hit shuffle, and then crank it up.  Done that for a few days now.  There isn't a Maiden song that I don't know by heart...after listening to them since 82.

Up the Irons!!!
Sam :rocker: