But, maybe these tracks could be great with
Steve putting some personal touches on them, who knows.
This would have changed the course of history for ever and for the worse, let me explain.
When Zeus learnt Harris’ plans to contribute & co-produce on Blaze's The Brave, he got that upset that thunderstruck Olympus for a fortnight. Then, for the greater good of music, Zeus asked goddesses Athena to send Sandman to Rod’s sleep and implant the idea of a reunion in a dream within a dream (2 layered dream) so Rod thinks it’s his idea.
And then to go to Bruce’s sleep in a 3 layered dream and tell him to include the
word Brave in his
new album, his solo album or with band, whichever comes first, so future generations could decode the connection between the Braves and realize gods’ will.
Bruce woke up terrified from that dream (ancient gods didn’t have electricity so Sandman had to have a flare for light, also served as a lighter to smoke ancient weed in Bruce’s dream) and he wrote on a piece paper so he wouldn’t forget:
word brave new album
This is how the reunion really happened and why the title of the album is Brave New World. Bruce took his notes and replaced the word by world (as previously replaced bitch by beach) so it now looked more Haxley-esque “Brave New World”.
But most importantly for mortals and immortals alike, is that The Brave, the song, remained intact from Harris’ contribution and co-production. The title Silicon Messiah does not make too obvious the Brave connection between the two albums, but it hints that its conception was divine (Messiah) driven, so future generations would connect the dots one day.
Otherwise the intro of The Brave would have been the intro of Benjamin Breeg (Let me tell you about the Brave, let me tell you about his dreams of his need to touch the sky etc) and the course of history would have completely altered to the point that next Iron Maiden singer for their 2006 album “Top Secret” would be Mel Tormé. Also by 2015 there would be no France.