Wasted Years

How good is Wasted Years on a scale of 1-10?

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Re: Daily Song: Wasted Years

9/10. Love the intro, and has a really cool rock style riff. I really like the lyrics on this one too, simple but meaningful. I have this song for my ringtone on my phone.
Re: Daily Song: Wasted Years

OK then well I'll be the first to elevate Wasted Years to immortal status and bestow upon this Maiden classic the maximum rating.

After the mesmeric galloping synthfest of Caught Somewhere In Time the opening riff to Wasted Years keeps the intensity going and the sci-fi atmosphere at full throttle.  The verses are slightly melancholic and trippy, the chorus is enormous and Adrian pulls out another solo that leaves me feeling stunned every time.  The outro fade out rules.

Iron Maiden do not hold back on Somewhere In Time.  It is a massive departure from their past - and as Wasted Years holds the all important track two position and was the lead off single I give it a 10 for being the song that symbolises a creative, bold new direction for Maiden....and an era in which Dave and Adrian really peak with their soloing.

...And on the SBIT tour it was my fave song alongside ROTAM.
Re: Daily Song: Wasted Years

LooseCannon said:
I have always liked this song, and it has always been a favourite in my circle of friends. No joke - the Duke put the verse and chorus into our highschool yearbook as his personal text.

Funnily enough, I actually used this song as a "text" in my English exam. Time had to be the subject of the essay (can't remember the actual question though).

The actual song itself has a catchy riff, and some great lyrics and vocals to boot. 9/10
Re: Daily Song: Wasted Years

Lyrics are simple, emotional and effective. Guitar sound is...something best i've heard in my life, intro riff is an anthem of it's own, Nicko kills on this one. The tightness between four of 'em on the instrumental part is just fucking brilliant, how the thing builds up and then Adrian goes into one of his trademark solos.

Re: Daily Song: Wasted Years

This album is where adrian starts to surpass dave as a guitarist imo. He lays down a killer solo in this one and the riffs are fantastic. Bruces performance is perfect. All my friends who like maiden say this is there favourite track. Very memorable song.

Re: Daily Song: Wasted Years


I bet that most of you guys are going to give the same or lower grade for tracks 3-8, and I am not planning to do that. I'll give the same or higher grade.
Re: Daily Song: Wasted Years

LooseCannon said:
No joke - the Duke put the verse and chorus into our highschool yearbook as his personal text.

Haha, I did that as well.

Great, great song.  And as a new fan back in 1992, the video with all the different Eddies, many that I had not yet even seen at the time, was incredible.

The only semi negative thing I can say about this song is that the live version seems to lose a little bit of the groove and the intro doesn't quite match the synthy awesomeness that it has on disc, but it's still a marvelous chorus to sing along to.

8/10 for me (even though I stupidly voted a 7)
Re: Daily Song: Wasted Years

Forostar said:
I bet that most of you guys are going to give the same or lower grade for tracks 3-8, and I am not planning to do that. I'll give the same or higher grade.

I am intending on giving lower grades for all the other songs on this album, because this is by far my most favorite song of this album. I am not a huge SIT fan.
Re: Daily Song: Wasted Years

LooseCannon said:
I am intending on giving lower grades for all the other songs on this album, because this is by far my most favorite song of this album. I am not a huge SIT fan.

Im the opposite. I think SIT is a very consistant album. The only average song on there is deja vu. all the others are great but there is no real standout song.
Re: Daily Song: Wasted Years

I don't care if most of them were no singles, were never played, had no radio attention or were no part of the Iron Maiden marketing machine of the last 23 years. The high grades will be given because I admire this strong and consistant studio album as a whole, but I also like the independent songs.

So I agree with Babo but when we talk about Deja-vu I disagree because that one too I find awesome.

The following is not meant to provoke Zare, it's just me showing the qualities of the whole album:
Nicko kills on more spaces of the album, not just on Wasted Years, the band is tight (even if they recorded in different studios ;) ) on the whole album, and the guitar sound is elsewhere as well. And Adrians solo? I think he does a few more great ones.
Re: Daily Song: Wasted Years

Forostar said:
And Adrians solo? I think he does a few more great ones.

Indeed.  :) This really feels like Adrian's album, though I could say the same for TFF too.
Re: Daily Song: Wasted Years

Great song, not my favourite off the album, but still a catchy, gripping tune. Riff, lyrics, solo, pretty much everything about it is grand... but still, it feels a little poppy. 9/10.
Re: Daily Song: Wasted Years

Great song. 2nd best on the album for me (1st is Stranger in a Strange Land) fantastic solo, great riff, catchy lyrics and melodies. One of the Maiden's funny songs. Gives happiness and energy. 10/10.
Re: Daily Song: Wasted Years

The following is not meant to provoke Zare, it's just me showing the qualities of the whole album:
Nicko kills on more spaces of the album, not just on Wasted Years, the band is tight (even if they recorded in different studios  ) on the whole album, and the guitar sound is elsewhere as well. And Adrians solo? I think he does a few more great ones.

I still feel obligated to respond  ;)

Yes, Nicko does incredible things on this record, like the fast gallop pattern all over CSiT, 7/8 beats of ATG, whole structure of Deja Vu, fast beats of Long Distance Runner, etc...but here we have a fairly simple riffing under the verses, with Nicko doing all sorts of stuff, almost soloing, yet remaining in perfect groove all the time. For me it's incredible that each of them can take the helm, do "soloing", while still remaining in structure. This one is perfect example of Nicko doing that, at least for me. Guitar sound on this record is their best ever, they even weren't able to reproduce it live, the whole studio vibe. IMHO here it's showcased in it's greatest form because of mid-paced palm muted riffs under the verses, and excellent chord progressions underneath the chorus. And especially on the instrumental build up with the palm muted C-D-Em sequence. It sounds just fucking powerful.

About Adrian, i said "one of his trademark solos", not the trademark or best solo  B)

And you're right about Deja Vu, it's an excellent song, a true forgotten gem never played live. But more abou that when it comes to the table  :D
I plan to rate every SiT song with straight ten, except HCW and Loneliness. For latter, it's 9, for former, it's between 8 and 9.
I already regret that I gave this song an 8. I'll change it to 9, somewhere later in time.

I know what you mean with that Nicko drumming, and indeed 'Arry is doing some higher stuff as well. That is a special part.

Zare said:
Guitar sound on this record is their best ever

And at it was recorded less than 100 km from where I lived.  B)

Zare said:
I plan to rate every SiT song with straight ten, except HCW and Loneliness. For latter, it's 9, for former, it's between 8 and 9.

I'll give 2 more tens so not as many as you. This is because I like a few other songs (on other albums) at least as much or better than some from SIT.
This song -- driving late after a concert show, with street lights and the cool midnight air.  Loud with open windows.  Magic. The opening riff is so classic, Dave Mustaine decided to pay it homage. 9/10
Yes, a brilliant moment of the album. I appreciated it much more, the last decade. An absolute Adrian contribution & a post-slave classic! 9/10
8/10. I classify this one as a fun song - sounds great, very catchy but it lacks the substance to make me really love it.  Adrian's solo is awesome, Bruce and 'Arry are great too. The intro is very recognisable but it doesn't contain the wow factor that would push it over an 8.