War Of Epics: Results

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Let's turn that around.
Neither is overrated. In fact, I think Estranged is underrated, as I like it a bit more than November Rain, though that may be a function of it not being as often played. It would get my vote over many songs in this game. Just not Xanadu, which is a masterpiece. These are indeed tough pairings, as any of these four would rightly defeat the winners of the last round.
Since you mad brutes voted Sol Invictus out, I will do everything within my capabilities to ensure that the result of this game will be the least satisfactory for the greatest number of people. <_<
Indeed, spite votes are essential to this game. :D

Btw, did you end up voting for it? I recall Loosey calling you out for your radio silence during that matchup.
Since you mad brutes voted Sol Invictus out, I will do everything within my capabilities to ensure that the result of this game will be the least satisfactory for the greatest number of people. <_<

Hey, I voted for it. Don't take your revenge on my picks. :cool:
Phase 2, Round 1 Results:
Stargazer and Xanadu are promoted, Damien and Estranged are eliminated.
User standings are updated here.

Phase 2, Round 2:
Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Parts 1-5 - takes too long to start and has unnecessary saxophone solo, but is overall pretty great.
Dancing With The Moonlit Knight - mess of a song with terrible vocals.
Blackbird - killer guitar solo and just overall awesomeness.
Epitaph - great atmosphere.
Going with Moonlit Knight, because even though it's a jumbled mess of silliness, at least it attempts to be something more than lonesome guitar solos and whale noises.

Blackbird, though both are quite good.
Really surprised to see Epitaph beating Blackbird. I prefer Epitaph, but I thought Alter Bridge had a massive amount of fans here.