USA Politics

Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

Yeah, in the 1968 election. In the 1972 one, he got 49.

Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

Ok. BTW I was trying to find an overview of all the president, and to see how many states they'd won, but I can't find it.

In the meantime, a photo with Nixon and a younger McCain:


President Nixon greets released POW Lt. Commander John McCain, future U.S. Senator, upon his return from years in a North Vietnamese prison camp, 1973.
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

But the state Nixon lost had more electoral votes than Minnesota, so Reagan's 49-state win is still bigger.
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

Obama and McCain win all three Potomac Primaries!

McCain won Virginia after a longer fight with Huckabee, but Obama trounced Clinton in each race, winning by at least 30 points in each primary.  McCain inches closer and closer to the official count for the GOP nomination, but Obama only has the slightest of leads over Clinton now.  Still, there is a lot of talk that it may come to the convention - unless Obama's momentum can allow him to win big victories on March 4th.
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

LC, I think you may know this, but isn't Huckabee mathmatically eliminated?  My understanding was that it was technically over for him.  I think his statement, when faced with that was: "I didn't major in math, I majored in miracles and thats what I am waiting for".... or words to that effect.
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

Yeah, pretty much.  Because so many states left are caucus states, and few are winner-take-all states, McCain is guaranteed to get delegates from pretty much all of them.  In fact, the last major WTA states were last night, and McCain snagged them all.  As I have said before, Huckabee is campaigning for 2012 now.
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

He's also campaigning for the vice presidency.

If we could find his DNA and clone him, we would. We'd have a nation full of George Washingtons and we would be AWESOME.

Here, here! GW is the man!
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

Deano said:
He's also campaigning for the vice presidency.

I don't think so.  Huckabee knows this year is probably lost.
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

Yeah, he's been pretty adamant about not wanting the VP job.  And the few names rumored from the McCain camp haven't been his.
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

Charlie Crist seems to be the big one.  And it would guarantee the GOP Florida.
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

Some general thoughts on US politics, from a US citizen:

We're all taught here to think in terms of "Republican" and "Democrat", and that's one of our big, big problems.  This dichotomy is rammed down our throats daily.  And it's bullshit.

I used to work in a public school, and I got to talking one day with a special education (SPED) teacher.  These ladies fight the good fight:  they help kids with mental problems and/or learning disabilities get an education, even when the kids don't want to learn.

One of the tricks that she and the other SPED teachers use is this:  when the child doesn't want to do his schoolwork, the teacher gives the child a choice.  "You can do your math homework," she says to him, "or you can do your reading."  The kid chooses one or the other, honestly believing he has a choice in the matter.  But he doesn't.  Either choice is exactly what the SPED teacher wants out of the child:  to do schoolwork instead of bounce off the walls or whatever.

The student carries on happily, believing that he's made the decision for what he's to do with his time.  But in reality, the SPED teacher made the decision for him, and merely gave him the illusion that his choice meant anything at all.

US politics are the same.  It doesn't matter if you vote Republican or Democrat, you're still going to end up with the same bullshit.  The only thing you've chosen with your vote is who will be receiving the kickbacks and bribes from the corporations and their lobbyists.

Sad but true.
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

One of the things I really like about Lou Dobbs on CNN is how he's pushing for people to register as independents, instead of as democrats and republicans, and encouraging non-partisan thinking.  Regardless, the US system is designed to be two-party, and the entrenchment of the congressional elite.  I suppose that's part of Obama's position and history that I like - the lack of recorded lobbyist influence and cronyism.
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

Indeed.  I'm leaning more and more in Obama's direction lately.

Doesn't hurt that my only other choices seem to be McCain and Clinton.  Blech.
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

I trust John McCain more than I trust Hillary Clinton.  I just don't like the direction McCain would go, but he'll tell you to your face what he intends to do.  That, alone, is a big change over the last 8 years.
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

So according to you, McCain would have stated in 2003: "There is no proper, legal reason to invade Iraq. We'll do it anyway. We want the oil."
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

With McCain, you never know.  But the chance is that he would tell you much more of the truth than anyone else in the current administration would.  Its even possible that he wouldn't have gone in there.  (but I can't remember his stance so much at the time)

And how about Romney jumping on the McCain bus? 

One last thought, I'm really hoping to see that Obama vs. McCain battle!  Old school politics vs young gun-- amidst all the other comparisons between them.
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

LooseCannon said:
I trust John McCain more than I trust Hillary Clinton.  I just don't like the direction McCain would go, but he'll tell you to your face what he intends to do.  That, alone, is a big change over the last 8 years.

McCain's the Senator of Arizona, which is where I'm currently living.

He's not doing a good job here.  I can only imagine the way he'd screw up the other 49 states if he were President.
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

Nader running for president.

Ralph Nader is up to it again.  He announced on 'Meet the Press' that he is running for President in 2008.  The article didn't say which party he is running for, or how many states he will appear on the ballot in.  In '00, he ran for the 'Green Party', and got 2.7% of the vote, however, ran as an Independant in '04 and got less than 1% of the vote.  The article stated that in '04, he was only on the ballot in 34 states.

Democrats were pretty upset at the '00 bid, due to the 'Democrat' votes that he 'took' from them that year-- they feel he took that election from them. 

Any thoughts on what this could do to the '08 race?  Will it have any impact?  Any one think it had an impact in '00?
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

It's hopefully a non-issue.  When, in 2000, Nader made a difference (and he did), he captured the young vote who were fed up with the Washington aristocracy - Gore being a Washington insider for his entire life, Bush being the son of a former President.  This time, Obama already has that niche figured out.  It will mean nothing.