CT - I don't think Foley is going to have a chance - pretty sure that in a presidential year, Connecticut is safe Dem. Look at who they ran this year, in a GOP year, and he won by 12 points - after lying about seeing combat in Vietnam. GOP didn't have the strongest candidate, but not bad either.
HI - Excellent point on Lingle. Akaka is definitely very popular personally which has helped his electoral margins. However, with Obama on the ticket, it's just tough for her to win in Hawaii (given that he's from there). If Akaka goes and the Dems put up a flawed candidate, it could be in play - highly unlikely, though.
NM - I'm not sure if Bingaman retiring puts this in play, but it would move it at least one category. NM is a swing state that has been more strongly Democrat in recent years. Their governor is now with a decent margin, but Bill Richardson was gov. there for awhile, and his own popularity hit may have affected the seat. Without Bingaman, I think we'd need to see who's nominated and polling before picking this one. Definitely could be a really, really interesting race!
MI - That's a fair point, and Stabenow isn't as popular as I had thought (remember, I was giving first impressions). However, Michigan is a fairly Democratic (read: pro-labour) state and Stabenow will drive around reminding everyone how the federal government saved GM/Chrysler. She should only lose this if she really fucks up.
MN - The biggest problem with moving MN to likely is that there aren't any strong GOP state-wide candidates, unless Coleman decides to run again (which is possible). Psycho-crazy-nuts has made waves about going state-wide, but she'd get trounced.
CA - wholeheartedly agree. However, Feinstein's already said she's running. Someone else (from any party) will get this Senate seat when they pry it from her cold, dead hands.
RI - I can honestly say that any Republican who has a shot in RI in an election year is going to be somewhere more liberal than Ben Nelson - IE, Lincoln Chafee (who is currently governor of RI), is pro-choice, pro-gays, anti-death penalty, anti-drill baby drill, anti-Iraq, anti-tax cuts, pro-gun control...I mean, the guy reads like Teddy Kennedy. That's why he went Independent. It doesn't matter who wins here, Obama will likely be able to count on their vote more than Brown, Collins, Kirk, and Snowe.
ME - Snowe already has a challenger. The real race will be in the primary. However, Snowe is very popular, and so is Collins, who will surely campaign for Snowe. The Tea Party could eek out a win here, and possibly give the seat to the Dems in a competitive, Nevada-style race. One to watch, but if Snowe is nominated, she wins with 70%+.
IN - Agreed. Safe seat.
UT - Agreed. Safe seat.