I'll stop stating my opinions if it offends you.
Oh come on, it doesn't and I hope you are yourself not offended with a bit of acerbic banter. We have said nice things about each other in the past, let's not fuck it up by getting pissy about politics.
Also, I am perfectly aware that opinions are like arseholes - everyone has one and most of them smell badly to everyone else. Besides, I've decided to limit my presence in the politics subforums (and even the forum itself, at first) for a reason and I don't intend to frequent this particular thread much.
I actually agree with a lot of the Trump criticism and even the hate, believe it or not. What really irks me is that I had hoped that after November, the American "left" - what a stupid label - (and people that way aligned) will finally pull their head out of their arse and take a cold hard look at the situation in the bleak light of the day.
Because I despise Trump, I truly do. And how bad you must be to lose against such cunt
Instead, what happened is exactly what I've called "circlejerk" and unfortunately, I can't help but feel it on this forum as well.
(excuse the hyperbole, as I am a poet and a cunt)
People wail and gnash their teeth at how the world is ending, by Trump and Wilders and AfD and whoever else comes into power or is in the risk of becoming so. But apart from doubling down on their worldview and attitude, which obviously isn't enough, politically (and to many may be just as despicable as Trumpism), what are they doing about that, so it doesn't happen? Are we giving people a valid alternative? Because I don't see it.
For example, I am extremely pissed that so many US Catholics voted for Trump, and primarily because I suspect a performative mockery of their faith and values was probably preferable to the party that was openly hostile to them.
I see the same in my country - "the good guys" have decided that pointing their finger at the opposition and yelling about "democratic values" is enough - they got voted into power (including by myself) and fucked up everything they touched. Now the next election is coming and it's again just "we're the good guys, don't you know?" No, you aren't. It's gonna be another four years of the Slovakian Berlusconi as the Prime Minister of Czechia... but here also because the alternative for a common person
is probably actually worse, however it might hurt me to admit so.
It's hard not to despair and the attitude I recognise here on the forum does not help. If I misread the forum and the thread, then I apologise, although I doubt that, also because of why I left in September in the first place, which I don't think was just a misunderstanding.
Anyway, I'm really sorry that you in particular got offended, I will refrain from posting in this thread anyway, I don't see the reason.
But part of my theological background is to actually look at everything that isn't immovable and play this sort of
advocatus diaboli against myself. To try and deconstruct and reconstruct and
prove (in the older meaning of the word) the things I am currently believing and up in arms about. You, just as I, may be wrong. Wherever you find yourself on the political compass, you will be at least somewhat wrong and you will support some deeply flawed things as well, because the compass is only two-dimensional.
I recommend this as a good practice that also strengthens the
theory of mind within each of us. The politics discourse seems to have completely abandoned it.
TL;DR - I wish you all were more constructive. Or at least that it came across more.
Bye. Peace. Love. See you in other subfora.