USA Politics

There’s no freedom of speech, one’s free to choose their propaganda feed. If anyone wants to learn something that even remotely resembles to the truth they should get their news from both sides.
There’s no freedom of speech, one’s free to choose their propaganda feed. If anyone wants to learn something that even remotely resembles to the truth they should get their news from both sides.
how funny, all you do is trumpet exclusively pro russian agenda.
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Russia is not a peaceful country and that should be enough for everyone. For years, Putin has been talking about returning to the borders of the past, i.e. indirectly suggesting an attack on other countries such as Lithuania.

It is a shame that the US is becoming more and more fraternized with Russia. What needs to happen is the strengthening of Europe, an increase in military spending by all European countries - especially those bordering Russia. Russia has proven that it has no problems with attacking other countries, so the lack of such investments is stupidity. Europe needs pragmatism, the US needs Europe just as Europe needs the US.

The combined economy of European countries is stronger than Russia's, which is why Russia is playing so hard with propaganda to divide the West and convince that the Kremlin does not have imperialist aspirations.