USA Politics

Sooo four more years of Trump. Got it.
I would bet my money on it if it weren't for the possible economical ramifications of the corona outbreak. A recession would be a severe blow to the Trump doctrine and all bets would be off.
It’s also incredible that Biden is going to take the nomination pretty much entirely due to his reputation as Obama’s VP.
No, I don't think this is entirely true. He is also going to take the nomination due to the overwhelming desire of the Democratic Party to not nominate Bernie Sanders. Biden became the natural coalescing point for the anti-Sanders group, mostly because Bernie (who is not a Democrat) has done an extremely good job alienating people who aren't part of his group. Consider Elizabeth Warren, who, ideologically, is a natural ally, remaining on the sidelines, according to reports because she is furious with the way Sanders and his supporters treated her.

Bernie's numbers are down by a significant margin from 2016. He's lost support and the "moderate" has gained support. This wasn't going to be his year, it seems, unless there were two moderates slugging it out unto the last.
There is certainly some of the traditional "it's my turn" in play ... he had name recognition and such a crowded field made it hard for anyone to break out. Looks like Biden v Trump is all but certain .. I will vote for neither
I guess you could see a good chunk of Trump's base in the same light. I suspect many of the MAGAians think that America was greater when race segregation was still around.
Noam Chomsky: “Bernie Is Vilified Because He Has Inspired a Movement”

An interview with Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky speaks to Tribune about the Bernie Sanders campaign, the obstacles standing in its way – and why the US business class will bitterly resist any attempt at social democratic reform.

Since the 1960s, Noam Chomsky has been one of the foremost public intellectuals on the international Left. Rising to prominence for his opposition to the Vietnam War, Chomsky became arguably the most vociferous and effective critic of US foreign policy in the West, his work a thorn in the side of presidents from Lyndon Johnson to Reagan, Clinton, Bush and Obama.

Although a linguistics professor by trade, Chomsky’s contributions to politics have influenced generations of activists – from his ‘propaganda model’ explanation of corporate media domination to his critiques of capitalist globalisation, the limits of liberal democracy and the failures of Western intellectuals to defend the principles they proclaim. It is this breadth of contribution that has made him one of the most cited academics alive today.

In this interview, Noam Chomsky speaks to Tribune at a moment when socialists across the world are looking to the United States and the Bernie Sanders campaign for inspiration. He discusses the barriers facing a potential Sanders presidency, the importance of the labour movement to any prospect of meaningful change – and why the US business class will bitterly resist any attempt at social democratic reform.
(.. continued here in linked articled)
I think they did not want him to win the nomination because he would not win the general. Not being able to expand his base among Democrats is a sihn that is probably true. The rest is tin foil hat crap. Obviously the party is corrupt as hell is a political party
This primary process has led me to believe that Biden has a way better chance in the general than Bernie (although I'm also not going to say that Bernie couldn't win a general). He is turning out people in key states (e.g. Michigan, Virginia) that Hillary was very weak in even during the primary. Recall that Hillary lost Michigan in the primary and went on to lose it again in the general. It's a very different environment than 2016.

The biggest liability is angry Bernie supporters staying home. But these voters live in states like Colorado and California that are pretty unlikely to go for Trump anyway. Biden has support in the states that Dems need.

As for why the DNC doesn't want Bernie, electability might be part of it but Bernie's argument was that he would bring out swaths of new voters. If he had succeeded at this, he would be winning right now and would probably be favored to win the general. I think the DNC would be more worried about losing moderate democrats in the house and senate under a Bernie presidency, either through primaries or an inevitable red wave. What a lot of people ignore when discussing anti-establishment politicians is the sub-federal ramifications that come with them. Just look at all the state level losses the GOP has had since electing Trump. It's not a deep rooted conspiracy against progressivism, but an act of self-preservation.
I think if Bernie could win it's this year. But Biden has the better chance. Polling consistently shows Biden beating Trump by a larger margin.
I think he could’ve channeled the populist energy in 2016 to beat Trump in the rust belt.
What really disappoints me is how much the USA has failed on this. The President of the United States, in the past, has rallied the Western world to incredible efforts in times of danger and crisis. The alignment of international economies to outproduce the Axis in the Second World War, while simultaneously beating Germany to the split atom. The Berlin Airlift, rapidly organized and designed to peacefully resolve a strenuous situation. The Apollo Program, the single greatest scientific achievement in human history. Even after 9/11, when the USA mobilized a grand coalition to retaliate against the Taliban.

No more.

This should have been a moment. The President of the United States says that COVID-19 is a pandemic, regardless of what WHO says. The United States government, led by the greatest disease research facility in the world - the CDC - has worked with WHO and other agencies to create tests, and is devoting the dormant but still great industrial might of the USA to producing tests, respirators, and other critical infrastructure. The President has spoken to other leaders, including the Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and Japan, the Chancellor of Germany, the President of France, and others, to organize international councils for prioritizing production and distribution of goods based on their existing industries and their natural resources. The world will face this together.

The ability to perform tests is being ramped up. Technologies to build are being disseminated to every country in the world.

Instead, we get a cheeto who can't tell the truth about his own fucking travel ban.