USA Politics

But, building a party without a "name" with money is essentially impossible. Perot and Teddy Roosevelt are the only ones that made any kind of dent . and they still lost
Correct. The last person to actually get electoral votes was George Wallace in '68, and it is pretty clear that he was able to organize a movement.
Shame on Kansas City Chiefs (and the city itself) for being located mainly in Missouri, hence tricking the President into including the wrong state in his congratulations tweet.

Are there anyone on the forum actually from Iowa, who could report on the atmosphere leading up to the Democratic caucuses today?
Shame on Kansas City Chiefs (and the city itself) for being located mainly in Missouri, hence tricking the President into including the wrong state in his congratulations tweet.

Are there anyone on the forum actually from Iowa, who could report on the atmosphere leading up to the Democratic caucuses today?
I don't think there is. @Wästed The Great, when he was around, was just across the river. Of course, that's a big river.
A critical late Iowa poll went unreleased due to complaints about a candidate (presumably Pete) being omitted in the list of candidates for some respondents. That, combined with pollsters focusing on impeachment, has caused there to be less data than usual leading up to Iowa. That aside, things are looking good for Bernie. Biden is still favored in most of the Super Tuesday states, which gives him a national advantage, but that could easily change if Bernie ends up carrying Iowa, NH, and Nevada.
Congrats to the Democrats for yet again snatching defeat from the jaws of almost certain victory.
What a colossal fuck up. Hopefully this is the end of Iowa caucuses.
The Crooked DNC is probably figuring out how to rig the contest in Sleepy Joe's favour. Sad!
62% of Iowa precincts reporting and Sanders is leading on raw vote count in both the first and second rounds, but Buttigieg is leading on delegates earned. After those two it’s Warren, then Biden, then Klobuchar in all categories. Will be interesting to see if that holds up.
The thing is that it really does not matter .. it is the momentum that draws attention and raises money after Iowa that matters. Once NH, Nevada, and S. Carolina roll around, not one will really care who won. That is what this mess is doing ... in the grand scheme of things, an extra 10 or so delegates from Iowa does not really matter.
I don't even want to know how crazy this election year could get. It's going to be one hell of a ride. Good thing I don't really care. It'll be fun to sit back and laugh at all of it.
The primaries have already taken some really interesting turns. Klobuchar and Buttigieg are both experiencing really impressive surges, although they are getting into each others' way. If it weren't for Klobuchar surging, Buttigieg probably would've won New Hampshire last night. That would've been a massive victory, especially considering Sanders' popularity there. That said, he came very close. Bernie won, but I would be pretty worried if I were the Sanders campaign right now. But Buttigieg has proven that Iowa wasn't a fluke and that he could be formidable in the primary. His performance in the next two states will be critical.

Warren is done. She couldn't afford to lose NH, coming in last is even worse. The campaign is even struggling to spin this and it looks like she's slowly pivoting toward dropping out and endorsing Klobuchar. There really isn't any path to victory for her. Klobuchar is still a massive longshot, but she has delegates and if enough of the party establishment coalesced around her, she could be formidable (more on this later).

Biden is interesting. He was never well positioned to win either Iowa or NH, but the margins of which he lost are pretty shocking. This is also an area where media narratives matter and the media framing Biden as a candidate who is plummeting is not a good look. His entire argument was his electability. If voters in later states start to see him declining while other moderate candidates are surging (and Bloomberg hemorrhaging money into Super Tuesday states), his prospects are really going to diminish. There's also a lot of data showing voters are choosing their candidate very soon before voting, which also doesn't bode well for Biden.

Here's what I think will happen: Bernie wins the next two states and is strong going into Super Tuesday. Warren or Klobuchar drop out and endorses the other. Buttigieg has a disappointing showing during Super Tuesday while Biden wins enough just to hold on. Bloomberg has a similar performance which turns this into a three way race. There's a contested convention with Bernie winning a plurality and getting the nomination. He goes into the general as a somewhat weak candidate since the party never really got behind him.

Here's what I want to happen: The dems are in a really dangerous situation right now because it seems that whoever wins the nomination is not going to have a majority of the vote. It's very similar to Trump in 2016. Therefore, my hope for the dems is the same as what I thought the Republicans should've done 4 years ago. They establishment/moderate/centrist candidates need to realize that they're stealing votes from each other while Bernie is sailing through with the full support of the liberals behind him. They also need to reckon with the fact that while Bloomberg has next to no chance of winning, he has the potential to really upend the race and further ensure a Bernie victory.

This isn't to say I don't like Bernie. But it's clear the party establishment still doesn't want him and I think a contested convention is a surefire way of losing in November. They either need to get behind Bernie, or coalesce around a single establishment pick who isn't Biden. The Dems have the opportunity of a great compromise candidate who would wipe the floor with Trump (Klobuchar). Unfortunately, it doesn't look likely to happen.
The Dems have the opportunity of a great compromise candidate who would wipe the floor with Trump (Klobuchar).
I liked Klobuchar a lot, but some digging has brought to light sketchy treatment of her staff. I think if the Dems can stop beating up on Bernie, the most genuine and likable of their candidates, they’d have a much stronger chance of beating Trump.
I liked Klobuchar a lot, but some digging has brought to light sketchy treatment of her staff.
Honestly, I think this would inoculate her from any direct or indirect suggestion that she was weak, which is exactly the sort of tack Trump would take against a female candidate. Just like Buttigieg’s military service inoculates him against the “gay=weak” dog whistles Trump would likely try to use against him.
I’m not sure how relevant the staffer thing is. It came up right when she entered the race, she addressed it, and it hasn’t been an issue for her since.
The whole thing at the time just seemed like a manufactured non-story. It also felt like an example of a female candidate being placed under higher scrutiny. I doubt she’s the only politician who is mean to her staff.

Edit: Her managerial style could also be part of the reason she has gotten this far. Other more prominent senators, most notably Harris, are no longer in the race largely because they ran badly disorganized campaigns.
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