USA Politics

Onhell said:
That's what bothers me. The U.S supposedly has a policy of not dealing with "leftist", "socialist", "communists", etc states. It essentially would not trade with nations who weren't 100% capitalist, which is why it didn't trade with Checoslovakia who weren't commies per se, but were not to the U.S's liking. All the shit they stirred in Central and South America, Vietnam, Korea... etc, fuck it, we all know that. Back to the point, what bothers me is that to this day they give Cuba shit, but they'll gladly trade with China and CHINA, not the U.S, is getting the better end of the deal.... blows my mind...

They just wanna get rid of the Castro's...

Fidel Castro = 83

Raúl Castro = 78

*Age sometime in 2009

They are not long for this world...
Castros or not, I just hope the U.S doesn't get in there and turn the island into their whore house again.
I had the impression it was the Mafia that did that, not the US govt.

Or maybe I've just seen Godfather II too many times.

Warning: the above is a logical fallacy, since it is not possible to see Godfather II too many times. It's just that good. "You broke my heart, Fredo; you broke my heart."
SinisterMinisterX said:
I had the impression it was the Mafia that did that, not the US govt.

Or maybe I've just seen Godfather II too many times.

Warning: the above is a logical fallacy, since it is not possible to see Godfather II too many times. It's just that good. "You broke my heart, Fredo; you broke my heart."
That is very tue.
Same could be said about GoodFellas
MisterAJ said:
The Mafia did it's part, but it was the corrupt US backed Batista government that allowed it to happen...
Corrupt?  Now what kind of government would'nt be corrupt? They would'nt be a government if there was'nt some kind of corruption.  :smartarse:
NigelTufnel said:
Corrupt?  Now what kind of government would'nt be corrupt? They would'nt be a government if there was'nt some kind of corruption.  :smartarse:
Funny you should mention that. I currently had to look at such statistics for a paper I'm writing for my business class and a quick look at Transparency International shows ALL governments are corrupt, some WAY more than others...
Speaking of corrupt, I am watching the Impeachment Trial of Blagojevic. He was there at noon, reading a statement in his own defense. The best line in the whole thing was "we have to do things to raise money to get elected, any of you would have done the same thing." I think it infuriated the members of the stathouse instead of not wanting his head. They had one represenative on and she said "How dare he accuse us of the same thing." Pretty fun stuff to watch.
LOL we just went over Ethics in the aforementioned class and we discussed similar situations how you can't use that as a defense, because you should always be (more realistically try) ethical, because your business, position and reputation depend on your consistency and all it take is one fuck up to screw you forever.

And it was a tie, no less... with Germany...

Well, I'll have none of this:

Next time you'll hear from me, is in the state hearing...
Fifth.  And a few years ago we were higher, except there was somewhat of a  scandal when a number of MPs hadn't made public the sources of their funders.  They did so eventually, but it was just a case of them not being bothered to do it, because there are no legal consequences if you don't.