USA Politics

A fourth reason: It takes away attention from more important matters.

This is a variant on the "stray voltage" theory of communication, as espoused by Obama adviser David Plouffe and used effectively by the Obama administration, and as also used effectively by Trump in the campaign and probably through his presidency.
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True, a Death Star would actually be cool

I have a bunch of stuff in the garage that could go in the trash compator
According to Politico, Trump watches too much TV:

'One person who frequently talks to Trump said aides have to push back privately against his worst impulses in the White House, like the news conference idea, and have to control information that may infuriate him. He gets bored and likes to watch TV, this person said, so it is important to minimize that.
This person said that a number of people close to him don't like saying no — but that it has to be done.'