USA Politics

Trump lies much more. If you don't want to see that, then you don't mind how much you want to be fooled by your president. Check the fact checker I posted recently, to see the differences.
I just read through the whole thing. According to the article, there's not one thing Clinton lied about when I can name several things she lied about. That was a extremely biased article.
there's not one thing Clinton lied about when I can name several things she lied about
Lets hear it.

Hillary definitely did lie, but a much smaller proportion than Trump. I thought Politico's fact checker was pretty balanced.
America is getting caught in one of the greatest scams of all time. We have people who would rather fuck themselves over than concede that their media and politicians have been lying to them this whole time. Trump's campaign slogan might as well be "bend over".

I'd like to think everyone will learn from this, but I think it's more likely that someone even more ridiculous than Donald Trump gets propped up next time.
Was working through the VP debate but I hear Kaine came off pretty bad.

Edit: Just caught some clips. Yes, Kaine comes off as a slimy politician who shares Donald's interruption problem. Didn't agree with anything Pence said, but he came off much more composed.

Wouldn't want either of them as president.
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I've been following Tim Kaine's career for years, and I've seen him in debates before. He was never as bad as he was against Pence. I think they wanted to prep him, use him as a sledge against Trump, but it just was a stupid idea. All they needed was a boring, pointless debate that people would ignore. It turns into a tiny win for Trump. Luckily, nobody really cares about the VP debate.
I only watched highlights but to me Tim Kaine came off as a smug know it all douche. 72 interruptions?!? Wow. Trump wasn't even that bad.. I didn't agree with everything Pence said but he'd make a better president then all of them. Clear winner of last nights debate.
He's a seasoned politician who actually knows how to accomplish what he wants. Same reason Ted Cruz was scarier than Trump.

Pence might be an even worse choice than Trump.
Pence is more presidential. He has a very calm demeanor and a good temperment. That I cannot say for the rest of them. His record for creating jobs and cutting taxes in Indiana is actually very appealing.
Pence is more presidential. He has a very calm demeanor and a good temperment. That I cannot say for the rest of them. His record for creating jobs and cutting taxes in Indiana is actually very appealing.

Fiscally he is not bad at all and compared to Trump, I would take him for sure.
This is one of the worst things I've ever seen.

I don't like to condemn anyone for politics, but Fox News, Bill O'Reilly, Jesse Watters, and everyone involved with writing/editing/producing/showing this segment should be ashamed and fired. The racism is out of control.

Let's ask questions of people who don't speak English, then freeze frame their confused faces because they don't speak English, then cut to a clip of Asian stereotypes to compound the racism. Fucking pathetic. I hope people lose their jobs over this.
Fiscally he is not bad at all and compared to Trump, I would take him for sure.
Anyone know anyone from Indiana? I do, and taxes have gone down, but services have plummeted as well. It's not as bad as Kansas, but there's definitely a reduction in a lot of services. Their job market is partially served by the drop in taxes, but also because the IT sector (specifically Salesforce) have driven a huge increase in upper-end jobs there as well. I guess what I'm saying is it's not just Mike Pence either.

And his social policies are absolutely abhorrent.