The Flash
Dennis Wilcock did 9/11
Not really. Energy isn't the reason Trump is winning.
It's a massive reason. He gained a ton of momentum with the GOP butting heads against each other and ignoring him. Momentum doesn't come out of nowhere, Trump campaigns' energy and its ability to hit a cord with people from a sentimental (and not rational) level is the reason he's as strong as he is.
Energy only helps with one of those three things and organization is way more important than energy in getting out the vote. If energy won elections, Bernie would be the nominee. None of the other crap made a difference other than Bernie & bros could not convince more people to vote for him than Hillary..
You say that like the playing field was fair for Bernie. It wasn't. DNC was conspiring against him. And the media portrayed him as an impossible long shot even when he cut Hillary's lead over himself significantly. In the end he lost, but not by nearly as much as it was projected to be.
Bernie would do a hell of a better job bringing people out to vote than Hillary does, too. That was one of his biggest selling points. And likely the main reason he was doing better against Trump than Hillary in the polls.
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