USA Politics

At least the Russians never hacked that. Hillary's basement - more secure than the DNC.

.. well, so far as we know. The rolling plan of evade ... lie ... kinda admit to lies when it is so obvious it is a lie while lashing out at others is pretty much the straight Clinton playbook and explains why this story keeps going on and on
The Clinton Foundation is another good way to show the general scumbagarry of the Clintons. We could have put the eligible population's names in a hat, drawn out 2 and come up with better candidates than these two. On one hand a windbag who is a general moron on the other hand, a total paranoid scumbag who gives Nixon a run for his money.
Yeah it's safe to assume that KGB has got piles of shit on Hillary, they didn't think Trump was a serious candidate and haven't prepared for the possibility of him becoming a president whatsoever. Now they're catching up.
Anyways, Assange is about to release intercepted emails from Clinton where it's allegedly shown that she was the main hawk behind Libya and that she even used her insecure channel to 'influence' certain military goals down there.

That means, if her private infrastructure was known to exist when Libya was assaulted, some 4chan/Anonymous script kid[1] could've been in charge for prioritizing military targets. The hack used to get her shit to Wikileaks, I bet, wasn't a marvel of R&D, since the target, Hillary, is not an intelligence expert. She's a dumbass who just got owned.

[1] (slang for 'hacker' amateurs that only use tools written by more experienced peers + forums where those can be found, and the usual moniker (Anonymous) everyone uses these days, especially for industrial espionage. Anonymous usually 'takes responsibility' all deeds akin to ISIS in the terror field)
The Clinton Foundation is another good way to show the general scumbagarry of the Clintons.
The Clinton Foundation has done good things. And it also appears to be used to funnel money to Clinton allies for god knows what reasons.
Report came out the other day that the have not finished half of their projects and a lot of money went into overhead. Similarly, ABC News had a big story on a large donor with pretty much no qualifications was assigned to a nuclear security board that had a pretty impressive list of people from top scientists, pretty respected (by both parties) former Senators/State Department officials and this clown Hillary put on the board, who gained access to a lot of really sensitive data before resigning.

I am sure they have done some decent things, but it has also made the Clinton's a bunch of money and has been used as a way to gain influence.
At least he learned something from Japanese internment camps and red scare.
I don't know where to post this, so I am just gonna put it here.

Barack Obama became the 7th US president to speak to the Parliament of Canada tonight, in the 9th of such addresses (Ike and Ronnie spoke to us twice), and the first since Bill Clinton in 1995. He looks quite relieved to have unanimous applause when he said that the west must work with Muslim communities to prevent terror. Obama called upon Canada to spend their required 2% on NATO (which I agree with) and honoured Lester Pearson, who created the concept of peacekeeping.

He also announced that Canada, the USA, and Mexico have agreed to generate 50% of required power from non-carbon based sources. Meaningless in the USA, perhaps, but it's a good sentiment.

Obama was supposed to speak for 8 minutes, but he spoke for over 50. It definitely made me feel good, and to think more positively about the US today - though yeah. Trump.

Edit: Obama just got to the part about refugees as I watch this, and it's basically an anti-Trump speech. Too bad nobody in the US pays attention to these things.
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I read that this morning. Even if you take he at her word that she did this for ease of use, not wanting to carry 2 devices .. the message is still "All these security rules do not apply to me" But, that excuse is BS, she wanted to control what would/could be made public for a certain Presidential run .... It is really clear Trump is a moron, but people really should not loose sight that Hillary is operating on a level of paranoia and secrecy that would make Nixon proud. Neither is a good option and it is hard to tell which is worse. Edit: I am ignoring policy positions here, just personalities and the way they operate