USA Politics

Oh, fuck off, Travis, and especially Dr. Carson, who was a spectacular neurosurgeon and is otherwise a weapons grade moron. A man so stupid he doesn't understand the Constitution he proclaims to love.

This isn't about freedom of speech. There's no freedom of speech problem here. Trump was holding a private, ticketed event. He rented the hall for a private event. That literally precludes the concept of freedom of speech, which is regarding government interference in speech. What happened is people bought tickets to the Trump event and were removed, and the crowd got testy at them, primarily because Mr. Trump has been encouraging them to do so.

Trump cancelled his rally not because it wasn't safe, but because it was a political move to do so, to win a political cycle. And it worked. It was brilliant and genius and it reinforces his narrative among his targeted audience, way more so than actually appearing would have done. It is, in fact, one of the things Trump has done that shows political savvy and intelligence, and we should talk about it significantly for that.

But freedom of speech? Fucking learn what it means before you complain it was taken away.
They had a live phone call with Trump while the protest was going and he clearly, specifically stated he canceled the rally because it wasn't safe. He said it a number of times. And you don't need to be such an asshole and tell me to fuck off. I thought we were good friends on here. These are just my opinions that I'm expressing and we should all be respectful of each other's views and ideas.
They had a live phone call with Trump while the protest was going and he clearly, specifically stated he canceled the rally because it wasn't safe. He said it a number of times.
Trump lied. He lies every time he speaks. Why wouldn't he lie about this?

And you don't need to be such an asshole and tell me to fuck off. I thought we were good friends on here.
You're right, I shouldn't have sworn at you. I'm sorry for that.

I maintain that Ben Carson is a weapons grade moron, however.
Trump lied. He lies every time he speaks. Why wouldn't he lie about this?

You're right, I shouldn't have sworn at you. I'm sorry for that.

I maintain that Ben Carson is a weapons grade moron, however.
Thanks LC. And I posted what I said because I got caught up in the heat of everything. Also, my dad said he watch a video of Trump from some time back and he said a lot of the opposite of what he's saying now so he has contradicted himself quite a bit already. Actually, I really want to stick with personal beliefs about the Illuminati and because of that, none of this election stuff matters at all so for me so I again really really need to stay out of here.
And now Trump is saying that the fellow is ISIS. Which is not at all the case, of course. Once again, he lies and lies and lies, anything he can turn to his advantage he does.

At least the Clintons lie through obfuscation, most of the time. And sometimes they even admit when they are wrong (see Hillary apologizing for lauding Nancy Reagan for her AIDS work when in reality, she and St Ronald thought that was dirty gay people and didn't lift a finger to help).
And you don't need to be such an asshole and tell me to fuck off. I thought we were good friends on here. These are just my opinions that I'm expressing and we should all be respectful of each other's views and ideas.
You're right, I shouldn't have sworn at you. I'm sorry for that.
Come on Travis, with SMX posted missing, we need one of the mods to be randomly swearing at members & going off on one. LC is just filling in at the moment... :innocent:
Actually, I really want to stick with personal beliefs about the Illuminati and because of that, none of this election stuff matters at all so for me so I again really really need to stay out of here.
And now Trump is saying that the fellow is ISIS. Which is not at all the case, of course. Once again, he lies and lies and lies, anything he can turn to his advantage he does.

Wouldn't the best idea have been to say he was a Democrat supporter to smear their campaign? ISIS is already the enemy, and we know Trump is obviously lying about it, so it doesn't really help anyone.
Wouldn't the best idea have been to say he was a Democrat supporter to smear their campaign? ISIS is already the enemy, and we know Trump is obviously lying about it, so it doesn't really help anyone.
This is Trump. He's all about blowing himself up to be more important than he is.
This pretty much sums up my feelings on the most likely election match up ... fuck both of them

.. and the GOP's runner-up is a religious bigot from the Tea Party bunch, and the Dem's runner-up is a self-proclaimed socialist. Rough times for the moderates in US politics ...
I am so glad my college days are well behind me .. fucking idiots

UC-Davis Students: Sumo Wrestling Fat Suit Amounts to Anti-Asian Racism, White Supremacy

The student government of the University of California-Davis apologized to members of campus who were offended by a sumo wrestling activity that was available during a recent outdoor social event. But a mere apology isn't good enough for students who say the sumo suit appropriated Japanese culture.

One of the offended is now insisting on mandatory cultural competency training.
Another student wrote that he felt fat-shamed by the incident and that he is entitled to "reparations payments," though I it seems he's actually just trolling. Still, the difficulty one has distinguishing sincere leftist outrage from satire is telling.

What's inarguable is that the Associated Students of UC-Davis really did host a block party last month. It included a variety of events, including a "sumo suit" attraction—students could put on giant inflated fat suits and wrestle each for fun. But as we know by now, the words "fun" and "college students" don't belong in the same sentence, unless accompanied by the words "culturally sensitive."

At least one student complained to ASUCD about the activity, which prompted a formal apology:

We’d like to apologize for any harm the “Sumo Suit" may have caused you all. This lapse in judgment is completely ASUCD's fault and responsibility alone.
We are thankful to the student who courageously brought this issue to our attention. We appreciated their honesty and that they took the time to include the history of the Japanese sumo wrestlers (rikishi) and that this activity could be seen as a racially insensitive to Japanese culture.
This was an egregious oversight and it will hopefully not happen in the future.
Yes, the student-government believes it was "courageous" to report the sumo suit as a microaggression.

The California Aggie's story sheds additional light on what was so disturbing about the sumo suit. Cultural studies PhD student Scott Tsuchitani told a reporter that the incident was an example of "white supremacist anti-Asian structural racism." He continued:

It is pitiful that the ASUCD would pathologize the so-called victims as in need of treatment instead of reflecting more deeply on what is needed to address ASUCD’s own failure in this situation. From my limited perspective, I would suggest that the foremost need for treatment might well be for cultural competency training for ASUCD itself. That is much more relevant here than any Orientalist history of sumo wrestling."
In other words, a cultural studies student and instructor thinks the answer is mandatory instruction in cultural sensitivity. How novel.

Tsuchitani thinks these things—inflatable fat suits—represent anti-Asian white supremacy in action. I would say that they represent some harmless fun. No one is being deliberately demeaned, and Asian students probably have bigger racial hurdles to overcome than this. One such actual hurdle: universities explicitly discriminate against Asian applicants for admission. I wonder what Tsuchitani has to say about that.

Another student, Phil Jones, wrote on Facebook that "as a Heavy-American" he felt fat-shamed by the body suits. The Aggie reported his comments as sincere, but I'm quite convinced he was just having a bit of fun at ASUCD's expense. In any case, he certainly managed to fool ASUCD. One member of the organization responded to Jones' demand for "reparations payments" by offering to let him give a presentation to the student government on hate speech.

To recap, one student said sumo suits amount to "white supremacist anti-Asian structural racism." Another said, "I don't appreciate the blatant Fat-Shaming involved with caricaturing one of the few sports traditionally enjoyed by Heavy individuals." The former is sincere; the latter, I suspect, isn't. (I contacted Jones and the The Aggie's reporter for clarification: neither responded). But the fact that it's so hard to distinguish actual social justice activism from parody tells you everything you need to know about the current health of liberalism on campus.

Updated at 3:30 p.m.: Jones confirmed via email that he was trolling. "I find such political correctness to be a danger to free speech and academic expression and was planning on making a deeply ironic, 1984-inspired presentation to the staff before they cancelled on me," he wrote.
Trump wins FL, Rubio drops out.

Kasich wins Ohio

Adios Bernie, Hillary pretty much wrapped it up tonight winning Ohio .. by a big margin.
Hillary thumped Bernie tonight. He couldn't win now even if every superdelegate lined up behind him.

Trump put Rubio away, but he couldn't close the deal in Ohio.