Meme Only Account
That was actually pretty much exactly what I was going to say! 
I'm off to post some pictures of fish...

I'm off to post some pictures of fish...
I'd say Cried made an essential point...Most people in the US (and that is all that really counts here since it is about our laws) disagree with you. No one of importance is suggesting any kind of gun ban and such a ban is illegal ... I think we will just have to disagree here, we are going in circles.
...which was unfortunately not answered (without changing the subject to non weapons).I'm not asking you guys to say "ban 'em all". I'm saying ideally do you not think it would be better if you didn't have mass gun ownership? You don't have to believe this is possible. It's like saying "I don't support world piece because, let's face it, it ain't going to happen!" --so what? You don't then support piece for all? This is a nonsensical stance.
I'd say Cried made an essential point...
...which was unfortunately not answered (without changing the subject to non weapons).
Your ideal would be "only legal guns" & "much less violence"?! Yeh... that sounds really ideal. I wish we had partial world piece too.
Glen Beck? I agree.Personally I believe the future of our country would be better served if this jerk off took a long walk off a short bridge
Mexico possibly the world's most violent country. Strict gun law nobody is allowed to have them. So only the worst of the worst get them illegally (see operation fast& furious) Everybody else no way to defend yourself you're in danger and need protection? Call a cop (again operation fast &furious)yeah that will work in Mexico the cops will save you.(sarcasm)
Did you actually read my first sentence?
(--you've literally just said what I said word-for-word.)
I know you have a "huge legal gun market". The size of this market is part of the problem.