USA Politics

Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

Are you saying no great President has ever held all 3 qualifications together? Just in my lifetime, I consider Ronald Reagan to have been a terrific President and he was the Governor of California.
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

I consider Ronald Reagan to be a terrible president, but I was alluding to Teddy Roosevelt, who was Governor of New York, Deputy Secretary of the Navy, and decorated Colonel in the Spanish-American War.
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

I figured you meant holding all three qualifications.... What did the Gipper ever do to Canada huh?  ;)
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

Well, we're talking about a President who eroded restraints on the executive branch, appointed the most conservative judges in modern SCOTUS history, ignored Congress, drove the economy into a recession, removed federal restraints on television and encouraged the sensationalism of news, and put the USA an additional 2.3 trillion dollars into debt.  I don't think Reagan was all that good, no.

And I did mean holding all three, I was just saying that TR had done it too :D
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

LooseCannon said:
Well, we're talking about a President who eroded restraints on the executive branch, appointed the most conservative judges in modern SCOTUS history, ignored Congress, drove the economy into a recession, removed federal restraints on television and encouraged the sensationalism of news, and put the USA an additional 2.3 trillion dollars into debt....

...and who encouraged Poland and other countries in their struggle against the communistic oppression of the Soviets. Very popular president.
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

Forostar said:
...and who encouraged Poland and other countries in their struggle against the communistic oppression of the Soviets. Very popular president.

I do recognize that Reagan's oratory was very influential towards Eastern European nations throwing off Soviet yoke, but it wasn't encouraging resistance to the Soviets that caused the USSR to collapse - it was co-operation with Gorbachev, which I am pretty sure any US president would have been up for.
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

I was under the impression that a big part of it was that Reagan's military build up forced the USSR to spend more cash than they could afford, and that created the situation that allowed Gorbachev to do what he did. 

I'll be the first to admit that I don't know all the 'nuts and bolts' of that and may have my facts turned around.
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

That's a myth.  The massive military buildup under Reagan was NOT matched by the USSR - they couldn't afford it, Afghanistan had them at their breaking point already.  Gorbachev was a younger generation than the previous run of Soviet leaders (Breznev & co. were all of a similar age), and he recognized the latent distaste in the Soviet people, and basically knew they had to open the borders or else the entire economy was about to implode.  Which it did anyway, but in a totally different manner.
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

US university professors, you gotta love them!  My senior year in college, I had all the classes I needed, so I took a freshman history class, Western Civ, and he was all about the fact that the build up of arms is what really ended the cold war.  We can be blind, here.
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

I took a course on the collapse of the USSR/Rise of the Russian Republic under Dr. Frank Harrison, a fairly well known professor of Soviet Studies.  He had interned in Moscow in the 80s, even.

However, Reagan's legacy should be okay, because the "worst president" books for the next 50 years will definitely be written about George W. Bush.
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

The AP is reporting that after all the votes are counted tonight, Obama will have won the nomination.  Hillary is saying that no way, José.  But it seems that a large group of 13 Senators are going to declare for Obama as soon as the primaries are done, and that will be the last straw.
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

Hillary has a speech scheduled for tonight, and is rumored to be (finally!) quitting the race.
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

SinisterMinisterX said:
Hillary has a speech scheduled for tonight, and is rumored to be (finally!) quitting the race.

This from a Hillary supporter!  What I really find interesting is the amount of vitriol related to this you can find in the comments sections on various sites.  CNN, MSNBC, Fark...there are people trolling it saying that because Hillary can't win the nomination they should vote for McCain.  Usually they stick to anti-Obama talking points.  I am wondering if these people are really Hillary supporters, are they paid by Hillary, or are they paid by the GOP?
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

LooseCannon said:
Well, we're talking about a President who eroded restraints on the executive branch, appointed the most conservative judges in modern SCOTUS history, ignored Congress, drove the economy into a recession, removed federal restraints on television and encouraged the sensationalism of news, and put the USA an additional 2.3 trillion dollars into debt.  I don't think Reagan was all that good, no.

And I did mean holding all three, I was just saying that TR had done it too :D

This sounds similar to our current President.  I never liked Reagan's policies and I never understood G.W. Bush's.
On another note, congratulations to Barack Obama!  Yes we can.
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

Hillary remains in the race...somehow.  I think Obama is getting ready to ignore her.  She has said that she will make no decisions.  Truly, she could have wholeheartedly endorsed Obama tonight and really made his victory overwhelming.  Regardless, it will be Barack Obama vs. John McCain in November.  A year ago, if people predicted this ticket, they would have been called mad.

btw, I called it a year ago.
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

The few stories I have read so far have some of her aids saying that she is not calling it quits yet, cause she is trying to get herself onto his ticket as VP.
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

Hmm. All this delaying about Hillary has only contributed to one thing: dissent among Democrats. Those that once would have voted for either of the democratic candidates now would vote for McCain (I'm not making this up, I've heard way too many Obama followers say they would rather vote for McCain now than vote for Hillary...they were all for Hillary earlier in the race before all this ugliness began). I sincerely hope this all gets sorted as soon as possible, and I'm not even sure that its such a good idea to have Hillary on Obama's bill as VP.
Kudos to LC for calling it!
Re: USA Elections: Candidates Comparison

I'd rather see Senator Jim Webb on the ticket.  The man is just as qualified as John McCain is, national security wise.