USA Politics

Well I see your point, but there are people who don't work and recieve benefits through welfare. For some who are capable of working, benefits from welfare are better than a low paying job, so they don't have an incentive to find one. So in this case, yes, the economy is being hurt. I guess that's a completely different discussion though.
That's the thing though. They consume but they don't put anything back into the economy. The US is quickly running out of money and tax money probably has better use than to fund someone who is abusing the welfare program.

By the way, I'm not saying that everyone on welfare does this. There are plenty of people who definitely need it and should be getting it through taxes.
Legal is the mainstream. Black when the State does not benefit directly from it, ie drugs, smuggled cigarettes from Mexico, workers that they are not declared officially, and stuff like that.
So, they're stealing jobs away from legal citizens then.

No they're not Travis. They're taking jobs legal citizens don't even want, no matter how desperate, as Alabama, California and Arizona to name a few have proven. These are TOUGH, underpaid, overworked SEASONAL jobs. Illegals aren't taking jobs away, they are filling a NEED, BECAUSE no one else will do it. Like China manufacturing your TV, because the U.S is transitioning from a manufacturing to a service economy.

If someone is stealing jobs it is people like me. People that come in LEGALLY, with a worker permit or in my case as the dependent of someone with a worker permit, then getting a green card, getting a college education and TAKING jobs from U.S Citizens like lawyer or professor or case manager, doctor... you get the picture. But nobody bitches about that, because it is seen as a reward for doing things right.

Everybody bitches about Jose or Sung Yu taking away "american jobs" of janitor, chinese restauranteur, crop picker, handyman, etc. But nobody complains about Mohamed Babu or Bobby Patel taking away american jobs of rocket scientist and dentist. BULLSHIT.
I don't know the answer to the illegal immigration problem, but I am against any proposed amnesty program. Plenty of immigrants have come into this country who worked at and completed the required steps to become legal citizens.Why now do you want to say that because somebody is already here that they no longer have to go through the process and we'll automatically grant them citizenship.
Legal is the mainstream. Black when the State does not benefit directly from it, ie drugs, smuggled cigarettes from Mexico, workers that they are not declared officially, and stuff like that.
Well I'm not sure about that. I think some of those things should be legal. I don't know how having a black market for anything can be good.

Show me the proof that no one else will do the jobs illegals are doing.
It's been explained several times by multiple people, you aren't listening and at this point just repeating yourself. And besides, you're the one accusing people of stealing. Shouldn't YOU be the one providing proof?
I've already been given the proof by others on here telling me that those jobs are being given to the illegals who will work for much less. If the illegals weren't here in the first place, then legal citizens would have those jobs instead.
No, I mean proof that legal citizens would take those jobs anyway. They won't, and the reasons for that have already been explained to you. But you're ignoring them.
This sounds like a case of incompetence by the contractor. But why was that guy unemployed?

Companies being shut down for hiring illegals is wrong and is just another reason for the borders to be loosened
If illegals weren't here in the first place, then the contractor couldn't have hired them and legal citizens would have gotten the jobs instead

If I needed a job and found out an illegal got hired instead of me, I'd be pretty pissed off. If the borders were loosened, that just means more illegals would take away from the jobs that legals should be getting. And the problems discussed here would just get worse:
Well I'm not sure about that. I think some of those things should be legal. I don't know how having a black market for anything can be good.

I don't know either. Only that Black Market is an important & vibrant part of Economy. A smart one too. Probably in a perfect Society it wouldn't have reason to exist. Thus it will always does.